Marriage Jokes

  1. "Why aren't you married yet?"
    1. You haven't asked yet.
    2. I was hoping to do something meaningful with my life.
    3. What? And spoil my great sex life?
    4. Nobody would believe me in white.
    5. Because I just love hearing this question.
    6. Just lucky, I guess.
    7. It gives my mother something to live for.
    8. My fiancee is awaiting his/her parole.
    9. I'm still hoping for a shot at Miss/Mr. America.
    10. Do you know how hard it is to get two tickets to Miss Saigon?
    11. I'm waiting until I get to be your age.
    12. It didn't seem worth a blood test.
    13. I already have enough laundry to do, thank you.
    14. Because I think it would take all the spontaneity out of dating.
    15. My co-op board doesn't allow spouses.
    16. I'd have to forfeit my billion dollar trust fund.
    17. They just opened a great singles bar on my block.
    18. I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness.
    19. I guess it just goes to prove that you can't trust those voodoo doll rituals.
    20. What? And lose all the money I've invested in running personal ads?
    21. We really want to, but my lover's spouse just won't go for it.
    22. I don't want to have to support another person on my paycheck.
    23. Why aren't you thin?
    24. I'm married to my career, although recently we have been considering a trial separation.
    25. (Bonus reply for Single Mothers) Because having a husband and a child would be redundant.

    Chris, March 20, 1998

  2. Girls
  3. When I was in jr. high, all I wanted was a girl with big tits.

    In high school, I dated a girl with big tits, but there was no passion. So I decided I needed a passionate girl.

    In college, I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency, she cried all the time. So I decided I needed a girl with some stability.

    I found a very stable girl, but she was boring. She never got excited about anything. So I decided I needed a girl withsome excitement.

    I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She was directionless. So I decided to find a girl with some ambition.

    After college, I found an ambitious girl and married her. She was so ambitious, she divorced me and took everything I owned.

    Now all I want is a girl with big tits

    Chris, January 12, 1998

  4. Kids Answer...
  5. A young woman buys a mirror at an antique shop, and hangs it on her bathroom door. One evening, while getting undressed, she playfully says "Mirror, mirror, on my door, make my bustline forty four." Instantly, there is a brilliant flash of light, and her breasts grow to enormous proportions.

    Excitedly, she runs to tell her husband what happened, and in minutes they both return. This time the husband crosses his fingers and says "Mirror, mirror on the door, make my penis touch the floor!" Again, there's a bright flash... and his legs fall off.

    Chris, September 1, 1997

  6. How do you know if you're in love, in lust, or really married?
  7. LOVE - When your eyes meet across a crowded room.
    LUST - When your tongues meet across a crowded room.
    MARRIAGE - When you lose your child in crowded room.

    LOVE - When intercourse is called "making love."
    LUST - When intercourse is called "screwing."
    MARRIAGE - What the hell are you talking about?

    LOVE - When you argue over how many children to have.
    LUST - When you argue over who gets the wet spot.
    MARRIAGE - When you argue over money.

    LOVE - When you share everything you own.
    LUST - When you steal everything they own.
    MARRIAGE - When the bank owns everything.

    LOVE - When it doesn't matter if you don't climax.
    LUST - When the relationship is over if you don't climax.
    MARRIAGE - What's a climax?

    LOVE - When you phone each other just to say, "Hi."
    LUST - When you phone each other to pick a hotel room.
    MARRIAGE - When you phone each other to bitch.

    LOVE - When you write poems about your partner.
    LUST - When all you write is your phone number.
    MARRIAGE - When all you write is checks.

    LOVE - When your farewell is "I love you, darling..."
    LUST - When your farewell is "So, same time next week..."
    MARRIAGE - When your farewell is a relief.

    LOVE - When you are proud to be seen in public with your partner.
    LUST - When you only see each other naked.
    MARRIAGE - When you never see each other awake.

    LOVE - When your heart flutters everytime you see them.
    LUST - When your groin twitches everytime you see them.
    MARRIAGE - When your wallet empties everytime you see them.

    LOVE - When nobody else matters.
    LUST - When nobody else knows.
    MARRIAGE - When everybody else matters and you don't care who knows.

    LOVE - When all the songs on the radio describe exactly how you feel.
    LUST - When the song on the radio determines how you do it.
    MARRIAGE - When you listen to talk radio.

    LOVE - When breaking up is something you try not to think about.
    LUST - When staying together is something you try not to think about.
    MARRIAGE - When just getting through today is your only thought.

    LOVE - When you're only interested in doing things with your partner.
    LUST - When you're only interested in doing things TO your partner.
    MARRIAGE - When you're only interested in your golf score.

    Chris, August 13, 1997

  8. Woman Update
  9. Last year a friend of mine upgraded from Girlfriend 4.0 to Wife 1.0 and found that it's a memory hog, leaving few system resources for other applications.

    He is also now noticing the Wife 1.0 is spawning Child-processes which are further consuming valuable resources. No mention of this particular phenomenon was included in the product documentation, though other users have informed me that this is to be expected due to the nature of the application.

    Not only that, Wife 1.0 installs itself so that it is always launched at system initialization where it can monitor all other system activity.

    Some applications such as PokerNite 10.3, Bachelor Party 2.5, and Pubnite 7.0 are no longer able to run on the system at all, causing the system to lockup when launched (even though the apps worked fine before).

    Wife 1.0 provides no installation options. Thus, the installation of undesired plug-ins such as Mother-in-law 55.8, and the Brother-in-law Beta is unavoidable. Also, system performance seems to diminish with each passing day.

    Some features my friend would like to see in the upcoming Wife 2.0:

    I myself wish I had decided to avoid all of the headaches associated with Wife 1.0 by sticking with Girlfriend 3.0. Even here, however, I have found many problems. Apparently you cannot install Girlfriend 4.0 on top of girlfriend 3.0. You must uninstall Girlfriend 3.0 first, otherwise the two versions of Girlfriend will have conflicts over shared use of the I/O port.

    Other users have told me that this is a long-standing problem of which I should have been aware. Guess that explains what happened to versions 1 and 2.

    To make matters worse, the uninstall program for Girlfriend 3.0 doesn't work very well, leaving undesirable traces of the application in the system.

    Another identified problem is that all versions of Girlfriend have annoying little messages about the advantages of upgrading to Wife 1.0!


    All users should be aware that Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete MSMoney files before doing the uninstall itself. Once that happens, Mistress 1.1 won't install, and you will get an "insufficient resources" error message. To avoid the aforementioned bug, try installing Mistress 1.1 on a different system and "never" run any file transfer applications (such as Laplink) between the two systems.

    FYI: Don't even think about a shared directory!!!!!!!!!

    Sotiris, August 25, 1997

  10. Dumb Men Jokes
  11. A couple was golfing one day on a very, very exclusive golf course, lined with million dollar houses. On the third tee the husband said, "Honey, be very careful when you drive the ball - don't knock out any windows. It'll cost us a fortune to fix." The wife teed up and shanked it right through the window of the biggest house on the course. The husband cringed and said, "I told you to watch out for the houses! Alright, let's go up there, apologize and see how much this is going to cost."

    They walked up, knocked on the door, and heard a voice say, "Come on in." They opened the door and saw glass all over the floor and a broken bottle lying on its side in the foyer. A man on the couch said, "Are you the people that broke my window?" "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that." the husband replied.

    "No, actually I want to thank you- I'm a genie that was trapped for a thousand years in that bottle. You've released me. I'm allowed to grant three wishes- I'll give you each one wish, and I'll keep the last one for myself". "OK, great!" the husband said. "I want a million dollars a year for the rest of my life." "No problem-it's the least I could do. And you, what do you want?" the genie said, looking at the wife. "I want a house in every country of the world," she said. "Consider it done." the genie replied.

    "And what's your wish, genie?", the husband said. "Well, since I've been trapped in that bottle, I haven't had sex with a woman in a thousand years. My wish is to sleep with your wife". The husband looks at the wife and said, "Well, we did get a lot of money and all those houses, honey. I guess I don't care."

    The genie took the wife upstairs and ravished her for two hours. After it was over, the genie rolled over, looked at the wife, and said, "How old is your husband, anyway?" "35." she replied. "And he still believes in genies- that's amazing.

    Chris, June 9, 1997

  12. A 7-year-old and his 4-year-old brother are upstairs in their bedroom. The 7-year-old is explaining that it is high time that the two of them begin swearing. When his little brother responds enthusiastically, the 7-year old says, "When we go downstairs for breakfast this morning, I'll say 'hell' and you say 'ass'." The 4-year-old happily agrees.

    As the two boys are seating themselves at the breakfast table, their mother walks in and asks her older son what he would like to eat for breakfast. The 7-year-old replies, "Aw hell, mom, I'll just have some Cheerios." The surprised mother reacts quickly: WHACK! The boy runs upstairs, bawling and rubbing his behind. With a sterner note in her voice, the mother then asks the younger son, "And what would YOU like for breakfast?" The 4-year-old says, "I don't know, but you can bet your ass it's not gonna be Cheerios."

    Chris, June 9, 1997

  13. Let's say a guy named Roger is attracted to a woman named Elaine. He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and after a while neither one of them is seeing anybody else.

    And then, one evening when they're driving home, a thought occurs to Elaine, and, without really thinking, she says it aloud: "Do you realize that, as of tonight, we've been seeing each other for exactly six months?"

    And then there is silence in the car. To Elaine, it seems like a very loud silence. She thinks to herself: Geez, I wonder if it bothers him that I said that. Maybe he's been feeling confined by our relationship; maybe he thinks I'm trying to push him into some kind of obligation that he doesn't want, or isn't sure of.

    And Roger is thinking: Gosh. Six months.

    And Elaine is thinking: But, hey, I'm not so sure I want this kind of relationship, either. Sometimes I wish I had a little more space, so I'd have time to think about whether I really want us to keep going the way we are, moving steadily toward... I mean, where are we going? Are we just going to keep seeing each other at this level of intimacy? Are we heading toward marriage? Toward children? Toward a lifetime together? Am I ready for that level of commitment? Do I really even know this person?

    And Roger is thinking:... so that means it was... let's see ...February when we started going out, which was right after I had the car at the dealer's, which means... lemme check the odometer... Whoa! I am way overdue for an oil change here.

    And Elaine is thinking: He's upset. I can see it on his face. Maybe I'm reading this completely wrong. Maybe he wants more from our relationship, more intimacy, more commitment; maybe he has sensed --even before I sensed it -- that I was feeling some reservations. Yes,I bet that's it. That's why he's so reluctant to say anything about his own feelings. He's afraid of being rejected.

    And Roger is thinking: And I'm gonna have them look at the transmission again. I don't care what those morons say, it's still not shifting right. And they better not try to blame it on the cold weather this time. What cold weather? It's 87 degrees out, and this thing is shifting like a goddamn garbage truck, and I paid those incompetent thieves $600.

    And Elaine is thinking: He's angry. And I don't blame him. I'd be angry, too. God, I feel so guilty, putting him through this, but I can't help the way I feel. I'm just not sure.

    And Roger is thinking: They'll probably say it's only a 90-day warranty. That's exactly what they're gonna say, the scumballs.

    And Elaine is thinking: maybe I'm just too idealistic, waiting for a knight to come riding up on his white horse, when I'm sitting right next to a perfectly good person, a person I enjoy being with, a person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about me. A person who is in pain because of my self-centered, schoolgirl romantic fantasy.

    And Roger is thinking: Warranty? They want a warranty? I'll give them a goddamn warranty. I'll take their warranty and stick it right up their .... .

    "Roger", Elaine says aloud.

    "What?" says Roger, startled.

    "Please don't torture yourself like this," she says, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. "Maybe I should never have... Oh God, I feel so..."

    (She breaks down, sobbing.)

    "What?" says Roger.

    "I'm such a fool," Elaine sobs. "I mean, I know there's no knight. I really know that. It's silly. There's no knight, and there's no horse."

    "There's no horse?" says Roger.

    "You think I'm a fool, don't you?" Elaine says.

    "No!" says Roger, glad to finally know the correct answer.

    "It's just that... It's that I... I need some time," Elaine says.

    (There is a 15-second pause while Roger, thinking as fast as he can, tries to come up with a safe response. Finally he comes up with one that he thinks might work.)

    "Yes," he says.

    (Elaine, deeply moved, touches his hand.)

    "Oh, Roger, do you really feel that way?" she says.

    "What way?" says Roger.

    "That way about time," says Elaine.

    "Oh," says Roger. "Yes."

    (Elaine turns to face him and gazes deeply into his eyes, causing him to become very nervous about what she might say next, especially if it involves a horse. At last she speaks.)

    "Thank you, Roger," she says.

    "Thank you," says Roger.

    Then he takes her home, and she lies on her bed, a conflicted, tortured soul, and weeps until dawn, whereas when Roger gets back to his place, he opens a bag of Doritos, turns on the TV, and immediately becomes deeply involved in a rerun of a tennis match between two Czechoslovakians he never heard of. A tiny voice in the far recesses of his mind tells him that something major was going on back there in the car, but he is pretty sure there is no way he would ever understand what, and so he figures it's better if he doesn't think about it. (This is also Roger's policy regarding world hunger.)

    The next day Elaine will call her closest friend, or perhaps two of them, and they will talk about this situation for six straight hours. In painstaking detail, they will analyze everything she said and everything he said, going over it time and time again, exploring every word, expression, and gesture for nuances of meaning, considering every possible ramification. They will continue to discuss this subject, off and on, for weeks, maybe months, never reaching any definite conclusions, but never getting bored with it, either.

    Meanwhile, Roger, while playing racquetball one day with a mutual friend of his and Elaine's, will pause just before serving, frown, and say:

    "Norm, did Elaine ever own a horse?"

    Eleni, December 10, 1996

Last updated: January 14, 1998

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