KPHO Television
Broadcasting Group/Meredith Corporation
4016 North Black Canyon
P.O.Box 20100
Phoenix,Arizona 85036

Date: 11/28/89
Subject: Wallace & Ladmo
To: KPHO Staff
From: Dick DeAngelis

Bill Thompson, better known to most Arizonans
as "Wallace" is retiring after 35 years. Bill was
the creator, producer, writer and co-host of
"The Wallace & Ladmo Show". Three generations of
Arizona viewers have enjoyed the comedy of Wallace,
Ladmo and Gerald. The program made broadcasting
history as the longest running children's show on
television. But now,the time has come for Bill to
enjoy his retirement. An era is coming to an end.

Congratulations to Bill, Lad Kwiatkowski(Ladmo),
Pat McMahon(Gerald) and Cathy Dresbach(Jodi) for
a truly remarkable achievement in television.
Join me in wishing them well in future ventures.

The last telecast of "The Wallace and Ladmo Show"
will be December 29,1989.