Merry Meet, This survey is just for fun. No one will know how you answered, just how many people answered which way. Brightest Blessings

Your Name:

You have had contect with these Beings.

Nature Elementals Various Faekith-Merfolk Irish Sidhe Welsh Faefolk All of the Above

I have seen these Animal Spirit Guides most frequently

Felines Horses Swans Wolves Dolphins

I believe in these virtues.

Being Loving Beauty Honour Loyalty All of the above

I or my Ancestors hail from..

Ireland &/or Scotland or Hebrides Wales Various Prytannic Isles All of The Above or Other

I believe in Magic because...

It brings me joy & allows me to experience secret sides of myself It is a natural part of life that i want to explore further It is fun, yet allows me protection I like to bless others All of the above