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a program for personal growth 

                                  and spiritual development




  and welcome to Spiritwalk.

Spiritwalk is a program of applied spiritual psychology designed to help individuals find and develop a spirit centered approach to living and being. Our purpose is to help enhance the lives of our participants and to provide an opportunity to meet others who share a similar purpose and world view. Our hope is, in some small way, to be of useful service and a positive influence within our communities. Our approach is educational, eclectic, non-puritanical, non-sectarian and non-dogmatic. Although we do discuss and promote an alternative view and value system, it is not at all necessary that everyone adopt these. We recognize that exclusivity, orthodoxy, dogma and authority are antithetical to spiritual life. We endeavor to avoid this error. There is no human or institutional authority in spirit.

We learn by exploring wisdom traditions and following the example of the great spiritual teachers. Integrating the spiritual principles of these avatars and their teachings is the substance of our work. We study and practice various metaphysical methods of connecting with the sacred in ourselves and our world; through prayer and meditation; through music and ritual; through philosophy and psychology; through insight and self-examination; through community and sharing; through service and devotion; and through intentionally invoked direct experience of spirit.


Participation in spiritwalk can be done in several ways.


Spiritwalk with Roger

This is a small, guided experiential group limited to 7 members per group. Led by Roger Ebsen, M.A., it is informal, loosely organized and casually directed with the particular spiritual needs and desires of each group in mind. Group size is limited in order to enhance collaboration and encourage the participation of each individual; also to help facilitate the development of a trusting, supportive group spirit. The goal of these groups is to learn to connect with Spirit directly and to practice the use of the wisdom of one’s inner spirit voice in the living of one’s life. Spiritwalk group activities include meditation, music and ritual, some didactic teaching and book study, journaling and sharing spirit stories and personal experiences.


Spiritwalk Study Groups

Spiritwalk discussion and study groups meet to explore certain topic areas of spiritwalk in depth. Class topics include Introduction to Spiritwalk Principles; Basic Principles of Eastern Thought; Principles of Judeo-Christian Thought; Native-American Spirituality; Principles and Techniques of Meditation; Practical Buddhism; Spiritual Tarot; The New Age; Spiritual Psychology; New Thought Theology; Music and Spirit; Love, Relationship and Spirit; The Spiritual and the Mundane; etc.


Spiritwalk web-site

A web site is posted on the internet with the Spiritwalk Newsletter, inspirational thoughts, teachings and meditations. This site is updated on a weekly basis. There is opportunity for dialogue and participation in the content of this of these web-pages.  You can visit our web-site at http://www.spiritwalk.org


Spiritwalk Outings

The spiritwalk community occasionally participates in cultural and spiritual events in the Los Angeles vicinity, or visits special places in town as a group. We usually welcome friends and family at these functions. Outings may include an optional discussion period and/or social activity.


Spiritwalk Talks

These are occasional evening topical discussions with Roger and/or guest speakers, with open question and answer periods. Spiritwalk talks are offered three or four times annually.


Spiritwalk Retreats

Spiritwalk retreats are offered for an extended and intensive Spiritwalk experience. These combine all the spiritwalk elements, i.e. individual and group meditation, contemplation of self and nature, quiet, book study, music, philosophy, psychology, spiritual teachings, interpersonal activities, community and group development. A premium is placed upon the retreat concept~an opportunity for perspective and departure from one’s everyday life. Retreat locations and activities are designed to facilitate this experience. Spiritwalk retreats are typically held on weekends and may include one or two weekdays. Costs for these programs depend on location and nature of activities. Expenses are kept at a reasonable and affordable level. [Spiritwalk retreats are open only to current members and alumni of Spiritwalk with Roger groups.]


Spiritual Mentoring

Roger also sees people on an individual basis for spiritual counseling. In this work, special attention is focused on learning the integration and application of spiritual principles into one’s daily life. This also offers individuals an opportunity to share spiritual concerns privately and to work individually on developing their personal spiritual path through a specially tailored and directed study plan. By learning a spiritually balanced attitude and perception of life, one can handle difficult situations with a newfound efficiency and elegance. [This work is focused on personal and spiritual growth and is specifically not intended as a substitute for intensive psychotherapy for mental disturbance].


About Roger Ebsen

Roger Ebsen is the Founder and Director of Spiritwalk Foundation. He is a psychotherapist who specializes in spirit focused psychotherapy. Influenced by the work of, among others Carl Gustav Jung; Joseph Campbell; Thomas Moore; Rollo May; Fritz Perls; Wayne Dyer; Ram Dass; Alan Watts; Deepak Chopra; Marianne Williamson; Gerald Jampolsky and M. Scott Peck he has been a student and practitioner of spiritual methods for the past 30 years. With his extensive experience and interest in spiritual practice, metaphysics and esoteric philosophies, he has developed a unique, accessible personal method of integrating spiritual principles into "normal" daily life. Inspired by the organic, natural, and mystic philosophies of the Orient, Native-American Spirituality, as well as Western spiritual traditions, he has been able to create an integrated, eclectic, spiritual philosophy of living for modern life. Using his own personal experiences, he is able to communicate his knowledge and depth of understanding of spiritual ideas in an accessible, simple, direct, light and sometimes inspirational way. He is able to reach others and help them to work through their spiritual impasses with compassionate understanding, insight, wisdom, intuition, warmth and humor.


About Spiritwalk Foundation

Spiritwalk Foundation was established for the purpose of promoting a spiritually inspired approach to living and to teach about the healing power of spiritual love. Spiritwalk is an educational organization providing a forum for the discussion and experience of the spiritual aspect of human existence. The organization is supported by the energetic and financial contributions of members who participate in the spiritwalk community of seekers of truth, peace, love and human compassion.

Membership in the Spiritwalk Foundation is free and you may join either by regular mail, e-mail or by calling to be placed on our mailing list.  Spiritwalk@spiritwalk.org


Spiritwalk Foundation
P.O. Box 1022
Thousand Oaks, CA  91358-1022