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88-18-6-ed.jpg (9798 bytes) 88-18-6. A seedling from Road to Damascus X Whirlwind Romance, with good form and reliable growth habits, selected primarily because of its progress along to path to green.  Our stock was almost wiped out by a flash flood, but it could still be introduced if the remnants are strong performers.
gatesii1.jpg (196859 bytes) I. gatesii is an oncocyclus species that's an ancestor of many of our modern arilbreds. Especially prized for its large flower and rounded form, it also has the delicate dotting and veining that many of us find intriguing.  The aril ancestor that most commonly appeared in pedigrees up untiil the mid-1950s, it is still an important contributor to the gene pool today. For more information, go to the Onco Species page.
codetalker-slide.jpg (260832 bytes) CODETALKER, a relatively new tetraploid 3/4-bred that combines the rounded form, signal, and intricate pattern of the onco species with the gardenability and sheen of I. hoogiana. For more information, go to the Cultivar List.
leah3.jpg (486313 bytes) LEAH RALLS, a halfbred (ASI code, OGB) introduced by Gene Hunt. This descendant of I. gatesii retains the characteristic fine dotting and veining, which is sometimes obscured by stronger colors.  For more information, go to the Cultivar List.
88-8-3-hp.jpg (320344 bytes) 88-8-3, a triploid-type quarterbred (ASI code, OGB-), in queue for introduction.  It shows the globular standards and prominent style arms of its onco ancesters, as well as intricately marked falls.  

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