Official Newsletter of the Butler Family Association
Vol. 4, No. 8 ...................................................................................July, 2001

Butler Family News Now Online

If you are a Butler or descendant of a Butler, this is YOUR family newsletter. It is an online family newsletter devoted solely to the Butler family. Our goal is to bring you current news about all the Butler kinfolk, with articles about what is happening among our relatives: obituaries, weddings, engagements, births, school news anniversaries, features on special cousins, family history and more.

WE NEED YOUR HELP to make this newsletter a success: when you hear about a death, birth, marriage, engagement, major anniversary or other news about a Butler relative, please let us know. If you see an obituary, wedding, engagement, anniversary or birth announcement or other news in your local newspaper, please clip it out, along with the name and date of the paper from the top of the page and mail it to us. We also save these news articles in our Family Library. We hope you will find the family newsletters both informative and entertaining. Keep coming back often and keep up with what's going on with your family.



Coming soon.


If your branch of the family is planning a reunion, please send us complete details for a story. Include dates, time, location of the event. Include the name, mailing address and telephone number and an email address if available of someone to contact for more information. Give info about planned activities, history programs, etc. If it is an annual affair, tell some history about the past gatherings, where it has been held in the past, names of the ancestors of the group and who started the event.

AFTER the reunion, let us know about it. Send such info as how many attended; what states and cities were represented; names and hometowns of the oldest and youngest relatives who attended; the activities held and other interesting facts. If you have a reunion committee or elected officers, list their names and hometowns.


No news yet. Get on the ball, cuz -- if you have a child who is graduating from high school or college; a kid who has made the academic honors roll, been elected to a school office; plays on a school sports team; been elected a cheerleader; or other school news, let us know so we can put it in the family newsletter.

Join and support YOUR Butler Family Association

email us:

Butler Family Club

write us:

Butler Family Association
1130 Celia Dr.
Columbus, Ga.

Our Editor is R. E. Woodham
Descendant of a branch of the Butler family from Sampson Co., NC
His hobby since childhood has been family history.

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