Boycott communist China

The next time you buy something made in communist China, stop and ask yourself why you are "aiding the enemy". Last year, Americans bought more than $120 billion dollars worth of products made in communist China. The Communists bought only about $20 billion worth of goods from the US. That means we are GIVING them billions of dollars a year -- money they are using to build up their military arsenal with new atomic bombs, missiles and military technology that is helping them create a powerful military machine.

Communist China has been our enemy since they conquered the mainland of China in 1949. Thousands of Americans and United Nations soldiers died fighting the communist Chinese during the Korean War. Communist China also supplied arms, supplies and advisors for the communist Vietcong during the Vietnam War.

The ONLY reason communist China became friendly with America and the Western nations is because they wanted to break away from the dominance of the Soviet Union and become the world's number-one communist state. There was also the little problem of having to find work and food for the largest population in the world.

The communists are getting bolder and bolder with all that money we are giving them. They are fast building up the most potent military force in the world. When they can't buy the technology from the US or European nations, they simply steal it. They have hoodwinked American and Euruopean nations to build manufacturing plants across their country. That means that whatever they make now, they can also use in their military buildup. As of June 2005, the communists have built up such a bankroll of American money that they have offered to buy UnoCal (Union Oil Company of California), one of the largest oil companies in America for several billion dollars. The communists are desparate for oil and have been competing on the world market with the US and other nations for oil supplies for some time now. This is because of their booming economy, as well as their military buildup. What their reason behind the purchase of a major American oil company can be is still a mystery. But there is no way that it can possibly be good for American. A COMMUNIST nation owning a major American oil company?! And bought with the money YOU give them every day!!

Communist China aims to dominate not just east Asia but the entire world. They already have one-fourth the world's population. Every three or four years, their population increases almost as much as the entire population of the United States. To feed such a huge number of people, the communists feel they must expand and this they WILL do -- no nation in Asia can stop them. Just as Japan tried to conquer all of east Asia in World War II in order to feed their need for raw materials and food, so too will the communist Chinese. But with an even greater urgency.

Who will finance this conquest? Suckers in America who don't care that the toys, clothes, TVs and other products they buy are made by slave labor in communist China. When the Republican dominated Congress granted "most favored nation" trading status to the Chink communists, they literally GAVE the communists billions of dollars to pay for expansion of their military might.

The vast majority of toys sold in the US today are made in communist China -- often by people who are prisoners of the communist government. In communist China, you don't dare object to communism or to the government. If they don't kill you, you can spend the rest of your life in prison. They use these folk as slave labor to make those toys that you put under the Christmas tree every year.

The "free" laborers in communist China toil for pennies a day to make the clothes sold in such stores as KMart, WalMart, J. C. Penny's and most other major American chain stores. When we celebrate American freedom and democracy on the Fourth of July, all the fireworks we shoot off are made in communist China -- mostly by slave labor ("political" prisoners).

The communists have now demanded that Bill Gate's MicroSoft company produce special versions of his computer programs just for communist China -- with such words as 'democracy', freedom of speech and anything else that might reflect upon human freedom laid down by the United Nations Charter of Human Rights be purged from all computer products for China.

The communist Chinese begged the United States for years to grant them "most favored nation" trading status. They lobbied Congress fast and hard to get this. American fatcats saw this as a way to get dirt cheap labor to make products to sell back to American suckers. But if we keep losing our American manufacturing jobs to the communist Chinese, then where are we going to get the money to buy even their "cheap" products?

Many American corporations have been eager to invest millions of dollars in communist China, despite the objections of American workers. The American rich dogs want to close down their manufacturing plants in the United States and use cheap communist labor to make an even bigger profit for themselves. Instead of using profits they have made off us, such companies as the Southern Company (Georgia Power, Alabama Power, etc.) have gone to communist China and spent millions on projects there.

The Republican bosses and owners of the Southern Company (and dozens of other American companies) would rather invest millions of dollars in a communist nation than to spend that money they made off of us on improving their transmission lines. They should be spending those fortunes on providing underground lines that would not be torn down by hurricanes, tornadoes and accidents. That would save countless lives and huge amounts of money for their customers rather than having so many frequent electrical outages caused by above ground power lines.

The profits American companies are taking out of the United States and investing in communist China will only hurt American workers and our nation. No American can compete with communist slave labor. Every dollar the rich dogs invest or spend in communist China will cost more and more American jobs.

Dixie Textile Plants Close,
Thousands of Jobs Lost

Our biggest export to communist China is AMERICAN JOBS! Our next biggest export to the communists is American technology. Only trouble with the technology export is that they ain't paying for it. The communists have been stealing our technology and using it to manufacture products which they then sell back to us cheaper than we can make it.

They don't worry about American patents. They simply steal the know-how and use it.

The fatcat's idea for 'globalization' is to make more money for THEM and to hell with American workers. Our trade policy with this communist nation has caused the loss of thousands of American jobs. Throughout Georgia, for instance, textile plants have shut down at an alarming rate during the last five years alone. Since 1999, thousands of jobs in little towns and metro areas have been lost due to these textile plant closings. Columbus, Georgia was once a major manufacturing center based on textiles. Companies founded in the 1800s were employing fourth and fifth generation family members. Today, most of the old mills stand vacant or have already been torn down. The closing of Bibb Mill not only cost 610 jobs but wiped out a whole town. Bibb City, a tiny town surrounding the mill, had existed for decades, populated by the plant's workers. With the closing of the mill, the little town could no longer exist and voted to join with Columbus.

All of these plants in Georgia paid wages which were so low they were laughed at by workers in northern areas. But these were the only jobs available in many small towns such as Thomaston. Thomaston Mills, a very old company, shut down its plants there putting more than 2,000 out of work. For a town of 9,400 folks, that was a major catastrophe! The Spartan Mills closings in Statesboro and Augusta cost 900 jobs. At least 16 plants closed in 2001 alone. Little Louisville, population 2700, lost 620 jobs when textile plants closed there in 1998.

Thanks to the 'most favored nation' laws passed by Congress this summer, the communists in China can ship textiles to America and undersell anything we can make here. They can get away with paying their labor 50 cents a day or less. In a communist dictatorship, you don't fuss about wages. In fact, a lot of their laborers are actually 'political' prisoners who don't get wages at all.

It ain't just Dixie that is hurting from the loss of manufacturing jobs either. In fact, the United States has lost more than 2,000,000 manufacturing jobs just over the last two years. And it ain't gonna let up. Thanks to the damnable North American Free Trade Act, Maytag has announced it will close a major refrigerator manufacturing plant in Galesburg, Illinois and move the operations to Mexico. That will cost 1,600 American jobs. The American Maytag workers earn $15.14 an hour. In Mexico, Maytag will pay the workers $2 an hour. Few of the Americans at these closed plants will be able to find jobs paying anything near what they have been making. Most will also probably lose their homes and savings.

US Congressman Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, has introduced a bill before Congress to abolish the trade laws covering communist China. As of early October, 2003, he has 36 congressmen who have become co-sponsors of his bill. Considering the terrible loss of manufacturing jobs in the textile industry alone, if one any congressman from Georgia votes against Sanders' bill, they better start looking for another job because the folk of Georgia are enraged over this loss of jobs and are simply not going to take this crap anymore! A lot of the Republican fatcats who want to move their plants to Asia have stuffed the hip pockets of congressmen with money to get congressional support. But these congressmen are going to have to make a choice: do you want that money or do you want to keep your jobs in Congress? We WILL vote your tails out of office! Will you decide on communist China or your American voters?

Remember the Hainan Hostages!

The Chinese showed their true colors when they knocked down the American airplane off Hainan Island. They routinely harass our aircraft and fly too close even though we are in international airspace. The episode when they hit our Air Force plane and knocked it down may well have been done deliberately. They sure didn't waste time boarding our aircraft and stripping it of its high technology equipment. This act of piracy is NOT the kind of act done by a nation who is supposed to be a "friendly trading partner".

Don't forget the recent incident about atomic secrets being stolen from us and given to communist China. How many missiles loaded with atomic bombs do the Chinese have aimed at America? Think about THAT the next time you buy a Chinese made product!!

Make no bones about it -- communist China is our bitter enemy and the enemy of all democratic nations of the world. With all the billions of dollars we are giving them, they will become the most powerful enemy America has ever faced in history. If you don't believe that, you are dooming your grandchildren and the rest of the world to communist Chinese rule and perhaps even extermination.

What do you think the communist chinks want to spend all those billions of dollars we have spent on their products? School, hospitals, better wages or anything else to help their own folk? HOGWASH !! They are now trying to get Germany, France and other European countries to remove the block against selling arms and munitions to China. The communist chinks want to buy billions of dollars worth of tanks, jets, missles, artillery, munitions and other weapons. They want better and more modern equipment -- to conquer Asia first and then the rest of the world...paid for with your American dollars, sucka!

As if we weren't giving the enemy enough money to build their military might, now comes word that the United States Army has plans to give the communists a contract to make the berets that will be worn by all Army men in the future. Wouldn't it have been ironic if our American Air Force folk had been wearing berets made by the communists while they were being held hostage by them!

China even had the brazen idea to force Boeing to build an aircraft manufacturing plant in China. They said they wanted to buy a lot of jet aircraft from Boeing -- on the condition that Boeing would build a plant in China and make them there. WHOA folks! Think about that: we build a modern plant in a communist nation so that they can then build the same aircraft -- both civilian and military -- cheaper than we can. They could then put Boeing and all other American aircraft companies out of business. Good for the communists -- a catastrophe for America! The aircraft industry is the last major industry that America has a hold on. If Boeing were to build a modern plant in China, it would spell the death knell for thousands of American jobs -- all paying damn good wages.

The next time you start to buy a toy, clothes or anything else...check the label. If it was made in communist China, then stop to remember the Hainan Hostage Incident. Stop and think about where all those Chinese intercontinental ballistic missiles are aimed at. Stop and think about all the missiles the Communists have sold to rogue countries like Iraq.

Kick communist China OUT of the United Nations

The communist government of China is one of the most ruthless, un-democratic and dictatorial governments in the world today. This communist nation has no place in the United Nations. The very fact that the communists have demanded MicroSoft Corporation eliminate words which involve democratric government and laws reflects how the communists feel about freedom and human rights.

China is in violation of every one of the articles of the United Nations' "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" set out by the UN members in 1948.
The Preamble states: Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, ...

The whole world knows that the folk in China have no rights of "freedom of speech and belief ...". The communists deal with Microsoft to purge such words as these is a direct violation of the UN's Charter. The communists have never allowed a free and democratic election in their 55 year history. They do NOT allow opposition parties; they do NOT allow a free press (all media is run by the communist party or government); they do NOT allow freedom of relgion; they do NOT allow free legislative government; they do NOT allow education of their people, especially when it comes to studying democratic, representative government -- only the communist party propaganda is allowed; and on and on...

It is time to remove this blatantly communist dictatorship from the United Nations and place it with the rest of the 'rogue nations' of the world. Its action over the past 55 years demonstrates that it is not qualified to be a member of the UN. As long as the communists refuse to uphold the UN Charter, it has no place being a member.

Only when China allows its people these human rights should it be restored to the community of nations. Until then, it remains a menace to the rest of the world.

Boycott France and Germany too

Now that we are in the "Bush Oil War II", we are fast learning just who the friends of America really are. We've always known about Russia and China - so forget about them. But France and Germany??? Since we defeated Nazi Germany more than half a century ago, we have dumped billions of American dollars into that country. We literally helped them to rebuild everything there, including new factories, their iron and steel industry and much more. Then those new and modern plants we helped them build then put our own old and outdated industries out of business. Ditto for the Japs.

So long as communist Russia occupied one third of their country, the Germans wanted us there. But now that Russia is no longer a treat to them, they are finally showing their true colors.

Ditto for France. France is not and never has been a "friend" of the United States. They have always hated the Anglo-Saxon countries and since we began as British colonies, they also hate us. They took our help in World War I and we barely got a nod of thanks from them. We liberated their country from the Nazis in World War II and since then they have often acted as if we were on the "other side" during the war. Remember that France pulled its armed forces out of NATO years ago and the NATO headquarters was forced to move from Paris to Belgium.

Now, the French and Germans are burning American flags to protest America's invasion of Iraq. A hell of a lot of American boys gave their lives in World War II to bring democracy to these two countries and we gave them billions of our dollars to rebuild their countries. And now to get this kind of treatment from them is just too much! I too, am against this war but I don't go out and burn my "friends" national flags to protest it when they do something to bug me.

Instead, I am going to protest against our French, German and Jap "friends" by NEVER, ever buying a single thing made in their countries. I have always preferred buying AMERICAN products anyway. In fact, my custom has been to buy products made as close to home as possible, including food products. Many years ago, my girlfriend's folks gave me a TV for Christmas. When I was hooking it up, I saw that it was made in Japan. I asked them to take it back. They understood and got me one made in America. Well, not every "American" is proud enough of our country to buy products made by their friends and neighbors (especially the "johnnie-come-latelies", immigrants and children of immigrants). So, the Japs succeeded and put ALL the American television manufacturing companies out of business. There is no longer an single American-owned company manufacturing televisions in America. Need I say more on that?

If you can't buy an American product, then don't buy at all. The job lost tomorrow by all those purchases of foreign autos, etc. just may be YOURS.

The same goes for American businessmen who are eager to hire foreign workers or build plants in Asia. Those plants will be owned and run by the communists -- whether you like it or not. Those workers and plants will be your competitors tomorrow and you will be out of business! If you want to do business in America, build your plants HERE and hire AMERICANS!

Remember Pearl Harbor --
buy a Jap or Nazi car !!

Buy American !! --or lose YOUR job!!

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