Southern Politics, Current News,
Folk Lore and the future of Dixie

Part 3

by Bubba

Vote Republican -- outsource YOUR
job to Communist China !!

The REAL Washington Scandal:

Millions in Tax Dollars Spent by Fat Cats to Nail President Bill Clinton

I heard some ole boy ask the other day just how much money them rich folk up in Washington have spent trying to kick President Clinton out of office and I got to thinking. The last time I heard a figure, it was about $50,000,000 of OUR tax dollars and climbing. I don't think that includes all of what the rich boy's star special investigator has spent and there are probably still a lot of "hidden" expenses we don't know about. But you can better believe it is enough money to build a college that a lot of small American towns could sorely use; or a hospital or a lot of other things we need.

These "investigator" mouthpieces for the rich fatcats stayed in luxury condos, spent thousands of dollars on parking space alone, and lived high on the hog of the tax dollars of us poor folks during this "investigation". NOBODY has ever paid for my parking space let alone my rent.

Now, if they had been forced to use their own money, the rich boys wouldn't have bothered. Never mind that THEY do the same thing themselves. Never mind that Bill isn't the first president to mess around. Hell's bells, everybody thought that was one of the job fringe benefits.

Ever since Bill Clinton became the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination back in 1992, the rich guys and a LOT of rednecks laid into Bill with some of the worst gutter trash talk ever heard. He was a "liberal, bleeding-heart Democrat" who was going to bankrupt the country with taxes and give it all to the "wrong" people. That's putting it VERY politely, or as is fashionable in the 90's, "politically correct" talk. Actually, I can't print most of the gutter gossip I heard about Bill during both his first and second election campaigns.

First, they said ole Southern country boy Bill was a queer. No matter that he was married to a cute gal and had a child. When that bullcrap didn't work, the fatcats and hard-liners did an about face and now, instead of being queer, Bill is a "womanizer". They went after this idea with a passion rivaled only by the Salem witch hunt.

For years now, the fatcats and warmongers have been using gutter tactics against any and all opposition. Ole "Tricky Dicky" turned it into a real profession by using every government agency he could muster to destroy anyone who dared oppose him. He used the CIA as his very own private detective agency to spy on Democrats.

These political shenanigans have been going on for so long and have become so common-place that the public is no longer shocked by their use. In fact, we have grown downright bored with them. Nazi tactics used on a regular basis right here in America and we just yawn about it!

But what the American public did NOT expect was that all this trashy politics would eventually weaken the American presidency and in so doing would also weaken our world leadership. This just couldn't happen, you say? Then you didn't keep up with the recent Moscow conference between President Clinton and Russian President Yeltsin. And now, when we needed our Allies against the dictator Saddam [remember the guy that the Republican pres left in office to keep right on causing the world so much trouble?], well the Allies backed down because our Presidency has been weakend by back yard feuding.

The latest buzz from Bill's die-hard opponents is that they are now going to block the tax bills and might even cause another government shut-down. And like the last time, this will just cause the public more hardship AND more tax dollars. Haven't you people done enough!

Bill's Sex Affair --WHO CARES !!

The really funny part of all this attack on the presidency is that so many of the finger pointers and their leaders have been doing the SAME confounded thing! Then there was what's his name from Oregon. And lord, of all people, there was the Republican Congressman from Mississippi who was head of some conservative group who got caught in a queer movie house in Washington. One of his millionaire supporters had the nerve to defend the guy by saying he would rather have a conservative queer in Congress than a Democrat! And of course, President Eisenhower and his long-time mistress. Then there was the Republican governor of Mississippi who ran on the same fake "family values" program. He got caught when he wrecked his car while driving drunk on the way back from his mistress in Memphis.

Hey, if we made up a list of all the "conservative" politicians, preachers, military brass, actors and businessmen who have ever slept with someone they weren't married to, you would have to build your own paper plant -- because it would be a LONG list. And the list keeps growing...

These charlatans have impeached the President. Ironic, isn't it that only two American presidents have been impeached. Both were Democrats and both were impeached by two-faced, rabid Republican Congresses. But the impeachment failed for both of them.

What gall! Do they really think anybody is going to listen to that loudmouth Speaker of the House of Representatives Gingrich talk about impeaching the President for messing around on his wife? This was the guy who walked into the hospital to tell his suffering wife on the verge of death from cancer that he wants a divorce so he can marry his mistress!!! What kind of heartless scoundrel could do such a bastardly thing to the critically ill mother of his children? The same guy who later divorced the mistress and married still ANOTHER mistress! Well, at least he is now history. Ditto for the next whoremonger they elected as Speaker. He too, was a liar and a whoremonger as it turned out.

What was so hilarious is the fact the THIRD guy they elected Speaker ALSO turned out to be a whoremonger and the father of a bastard child!! Real "family values", boys!

If we are going to impeach the president for doing the same thing that Newt the Grinch has done, we might as well go ahead and impeach BOTH these Speakers as well. Heck, we might as well just go ahead and get rid of ALL the whoremongers in Congress. But's only bad if one of THEM does it...not one of us. And besides, if it's really bad (or we get too much bad publicity), then we can always get "saved", like Jimmy Swaggart and so many others.

Despite all this waste of our hard-earned tax money on this huge effort to discredit the man Americans have elected twice as their leader, the polls show the President's approval ratings just keep right on climbing. All this despite the media hype created by the press owned by the rich guys. They just keep going on and on, every day with newspaper stories and hours every day devoted to the mess...that nobody is reading nor watching. The TV news folks just don't get it. Their ratings are going down and down because no one wants to watch this crap. WE DON'T CARE!

What Americans DO want is for our government to get on with the business of the nation and stop wasting our tax money on peeping under everybody's bedsheets so they can tattle on what they are doing with who.

We need decent schools, better paid teachers, more (honest) cops on the streets, a serious war on drugs, better wages for the lowest paid American workers, health care for anyone who needs it, decent health and retirement benefits for workers. Thousands of bridges all over the nation need rebuilding, sewage and water treatment plants need to be built or replaced, recreation facilities are needed for our youth to get them off the streets and away from drug dealers; and a million other things we need.

What we DON'T need is to waste more of our tax dollars on investigating the personal sex habits and private lives of ANYONE -- Democrat OR Republican, be they the President of the United States or the Speaker of the House of Representatives or some senator.

Just what are the rabid radical Republicans really after? Since they couldn't win the Presidency with a free election, could they actually think they can take control through impeachment? You bet. Since the days of tricky Dickey, this party has had but one aim --RULE BY THE RICH. Money talks and the filthy rich can buy anything and anybody--especially politicians.

And now, they have pulled the lowest punch of all...they have actually STOLEN the presidency they couldn't win fair and square.

From now on, it is going to be like a football game, with the new war cry being "Count the votes!", "Count the votes!"

Dear Congress -- It's NONE of your damned business!

The very future of the American presidency is now in serious danger. The rabid radical Republicans have set a precedent for all future time...ANY president can be impeached for anything they can latch onto--even a private blowjob. How DARE you spend our hard-earned tax money on such trash!

What you have totally failed to get is the fact that when two adults have sex with each other -- it is NONE of your damned business! I don't give a confound what the Grinch and all the others do with their private lives. They can whore around all they want to -- but just don't tell the rest of the nation that we are the bad folk if we do it too. Ain't NOBODY got that right -- not even a rabid radical rich Republican Congressman!

Tit for Tat ...Your Day's Coming!

If the Republicans think all this mess of theirs will just "go away" now that they have stolen the presidency, then think again. The next Republican in the White House, Bush, will be the target of every little guy in the country -- all of them out for blood.

When Bush saw what was happening with the impeachment hearings, he came out and said he was not going to run for president. Scared his own dirty laundry would come out. But the fat cats couldn't find anyone "suitable" to replace him. This is going to be a wild party! These two Bush boys have a LOT of partying in their backgrounds and the governor of Florida has admitted to doing a lot more than just "taking a puff but not inhaling".

Let's go ahead and get started on all this right away. Impeach the new Republican president for the felony of smoking pot; the felony of using cocaine, bedding down with women who he was not married to (fornication); the crime of THEFT, for stealing the votes of American citizens; and we can probably add such crimes as conspiracy and a few more -- just for starters! The news media will have some real juice going here for the next four years.

The funny thing about all this sordid mess is that despite all the mud the fatcats sling at ole Bill, his public approval kept going right on up. Since his impeachment, his ratings have shot up to an all time high of three-fourths of the American public. They couldn't beat him fair and square so they tried to smear him as much as possible. Just didn't work. This is one good ole Southern boy who just couldn't be stopped by the fatcats. Giveum HELL, Bill!

The American public knew ole Bill was no saint when they elected him -- twice. The American folk do not believe that a few blowjobs is grounds for the fatcats to kick their elected president out of office. But if that is, then woe be to Bush. This pot-smoking guy has done far worse. And he still refuses to deny that he has used cocaine.

We're MADD as hell
and we ain't gonna take it anymore!

What happens to a man if he lied on public documents (for election purposes, for instance) if he LIED about drug use, fornication, driving under the influence and other crimes. If such a man became president, then he could and SHOULD be impeached.

Reckon what MADD ("Mothers Against Drunk Drivers") think now that we are have a convicted drunk driver in the White House? Not telling the American public about this crime is a sin in itself. The sin of omission is a lie and that means we will have a known liar in the White House as well. That also means he cheated a lot of the folk who voted for him who would not have done so had they known about this sordid event. That in turn makes him a cheater. That LIE was just a drop in the bucket for what was to come.

What else have the Bush crowd kept Americans in the dark about. If he has lied about the drunk driving and won't own up to drug use, then what other dark secrets does he hide? You can better believe he would have gone to jail if he had been just one of us "common folk"? But his daddy is rich and powerful, so sonny boy skipped on a lark. Are there any other DUI's we haven't heard of?

His brother in Florida can expect pure natural hell for the remainder of his term. Now there is a hellraiser and pothead who should never have been elected to ANY office. But it seems money can buy anything these days.

Barr BARED !!

One of President Clinton's Worst Critics Paid for Abortion

Republican Representative Bob Barr of Georgia has been BARED as a liar, cheat and lord knows what else by publisher Larry Flynt in another scandal to hit the "family values" Republican Party.

What Goes 'Round Comes 'Round !!

I told you so! The "family values" hypocrites who hounded President Clinton in their efforts to destroy the Democratic Party are once again being shown up as the mouthpieces for the fatcats. We are now faced with another scandal by a Republican president that shows promises of being just as big and bizarre as Watergate was for Nixon ("I am not a crook!").

The mess over the exposure of a CIA agent by Chicago news columnist Robert Novak (a major mouthpiece for the fatcat Republicans for years) has created a political scandal of major proportions. This exposure is a violation of federal law. But it was apparently done in retalation for the fact that the CIA agent is the wife of a former ambassador to Iraq -- who just happened to have critized the Bush bunch for their reasons in starting the Second Bush Oil War. Ambassador Wilson exposed Bush for using false information. But WHOA! You just don't go against big money and power -- they will slap your tail down fast!

Sure enough, the fatcats took revenge by "outing" the ambassador's wife as a CIA agent, thus endangering not only her life but the lives of other CIA agents and foreign informers. That is a gross violation of federal law. Novak (who hypes his Republican crap all the time on a CNN news program as well as writes a personal opinion column for newspapers) says he didn't do anything 'wrong' and that he isn't subject to the law. He also claims that he thought she was just a common little 'analyst' (a clerk of something?), even though he referred to her as an 'operative'. Novak should be locked up in one of those old prisons in Siberia and tell the Russians to lose the key! As for the Bush bunch...every damn one of them responsible for these kind of shenanigans should be shot by firing squads!
Tit for ain't seen nutin yet, boys! Yo time is coming!

Remember Pearl Harbor...
Buy a Jap car
or don't buy at all!!

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