
Agenita Terezinha Souza Ameno is married, five children, was born in Coronel Fabriciano e live in em Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Social Scientist - UFMG, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1986. Analist at the Federal Justice Department State Secction of Minas Gerais. Founder of the NEPES, Nucleo of Social Studies and Researches.


All began with books. As soon as I learned how to read my father gave me a box with few of them. May be he did not evaluate, at that time, he was not bringing me just books, a bundle of weapons. Up to day, a sensation I have is that to write and read is an armed state of mind.

I wouldn’t like to say I allways was a woman dancing in the pupils (girl) of others eyes. Reserved, little wird, diligent (too much while it was a time it wouldn’t hurt if I was a little slack), in many ocasions I was disliked by beeing a nerd, dificult person by beeing too shy, frequently lonyless and bewildered in the vastness of the feminine universe.

The world grew up around my self, and suddenly I was surrounded by men: my father, my three brothers, later on by my own four boys, Caetano, César, Tales and Alexandre ( Ísis, a girl, came after all of them, "because I was a resilient mother and wantted a baby girl", it was my father who used to tell ignoring my own argumentation). But I don’t have complaints about men. It was with them, that I have learned to be a woman. Wether it was accidental or not, I don’t realy know, but each one loved me just enough as I needed it and could handle. On the other hand, if they taught me love, it was the women whom taught me to fight, to be bold. The image I have about woman is as follow: the laborious imagem of my grand mother; the spikes my mother had to pull it out of my life to show to both of us her rose color soul; the obstinacy of Isis to come to this world, to her little family kingdom, dominated by men. Perhaps this biography will be transfomed now into a acknowledge "bead string" like: to Julieta, Júnia, Rosali, Regiane , Stela, Ana, Flávia, Lílian, Cláudia, Juscelina , Jô, Leila and those stood by me while I was building my own dreams.

But I need to interrupt this to tell less interesting things, such as: I graduated in Social Science (1986) at UFMG, founded NEPES – Núcleo de Pesquisas e Estudos Sociais (Nucleo of Social Science Researches), minding to wear an institutional uniform which would authorize me to violate private lifes and perform my endless sociological investigation. I was awarded in literary contests, even being lazy to prepare material for public examination. Speaking about them I was granted in many until I came to work at the Federal Justice Department, where I am for twelve years so far, extremely confortable in various aspects, despite my critissism towards the Power of Justice system and towards all kinds of power strutctures.

What else? Yes, I developed many projects in the social field, worked on a program of popular education of selective garbage collect, and I believe in the power and silent work of the recyclable products pickers. With the help of friends, I organized cultural and educational workshops. I also gave lectures and participated on debates. I gave lessons about feminine sexuality and orientation of house wifes. I published in 1999 a book that some tell "polemic", Off marriage lovers’s social role (Editora Autêntica publishing, temporary title translation). The repercution of the book could well turn into another book itself. Because of this book I was threaten with lynching and stoning and became reluctante to heated debates. Later on, I had to tolerate moralists and conservatives asking me apology, under the allegation they prematurely misjudged the book by its title. Today it is translated into Esperanto by a man who defends the monogamy with his own teeth and nails. Off marriage lovers’s social role became to me an incognito, for it is loved by the liberals and also by the ortodoxal conservatives. Many called it as Capitu of Social Science ( alusion to a character from a Brazilian literature master piece from Machado de Assis). I honestely don’t know, what is the doubt about this book. I got tired of advising the inwarry ones that I am not encouraging treachery, I don’t point the traitor out either, I am not here to make value judgment. However one needs to read to believe. And, unfortunately the preconcept is a eye cover more powerfull and dangerous than any human being can be. I also write ficction, but perhaps excessively cautious about sounding second-rate.

Thus, this biography, as per Luís Peazê (writer), may interest only those love me, those for whom I make it a point to give me in. What else should I say? I speak Esperanto and have spoken to people around the world only through this lingua. Esperanto is easy to learn and disentailed from the world because it doesn’t belong to any sort of economic power.

After all, how could I tell to the world, that those words I would like to write about my self refer only to love: broad love about my parents and children, and so about my friends and husband.


  1. CRÍTICA À TOLICE FEMININA (Critique Of The Feminine Foolishness), Ed.Record, 2001

  2. A FUNÇÃO SOCIAL DOS AMANTES (Off Marriage Lover's Social Role), ( Ed.Autêntica, 1999, ) 3a edição.