
My name is Nereide Schilaro Santa Rosa. I live in São Paulo, Brazil. I´m a granddaughter of Portuguese and Italian immigrants, married and mother of two children. I was a teacher and pedagogue for twenty-five years. I'm graduated in Mathematics, Drawing, pedagogy, Music and Arts. Today I am a writer, with fifteen published books, in some Brazilian publishing companies, some of them had received awards by the National Foundation of the Childhood Book.

The following headings had received awards:
Villa-Lobos - (Callis Publishing company) - 1994
Tarsila of Amaral (Callis Publishing company) - 1998
Candido Portinari, (Modern Publishing company) - 1999
Monteiro Lobato - Famous Children(Callis Publishing company) - 1999
Monteiro Lobato - Brazilian Biographies (Callis Publishing company) - 2000
Almeida Júnior (Modern Publishing company) -1999
"Flauta Doce" - method of education for children - (Scipione)-1994 Publishing company I also published Alfredo Volpi (Modern Publishing company) - 2000, Guignard (Moderna)-2000 Publishing company, Santos Dumont (Callis Publishing company) 1998, Machado de Assis (Callis Publishing company) -1998.

I intend to continue writing, publishing and divulging the Brazilian culture. My professional life always had been directed to the pedagogical work; however, currently I write books worried about our Brazilian readers and the best way to provide access to literature in a general way. About infant-youthful books, I'm concern on writing about important contents, using a direct language, of easy agreement. My intention is to rescue important values for the development of the young one. The most recent headings that had been published deal with biographies of important personalities in the cultural way of our country. To write biographies for children and young ones is for me, one of the ways that I found to rescue our history and our culture. I think that if I can awake young readers´ curiosity and give them proximity with the daily life of these Brazilian citizens, they will learn the importance of its production. Citizens who had constructed our art, as Portinari, Tarsila, Volpi, Guignard, or then our literature as Machado de Assis and Monteiro Lobato, or same our history as Santos Dumont.

About literature for the grown-up public, currently I write chronicles. By this way, I have the chance to express my flavorful a freer form and, critical and, why not, challenger. I currently collaborate at the site and

I believe more than anything that by producing and writing, I can contribute for a dynamic and alive literature, path for the improvement of the quality of life of the citizen, either by means of the education and of the culture, either by means of its critical awareness.


1.01- MUSICAL EDUCATION FOR THE PRÉ-escola. São Paulo, Atica, 1990.
1.02- MUSICAL EDUCATION FOR 1ª 4ª SERIES. São Paulo, Atica, 1990.
1.03- FLAUTA-doce - Method of education for children. São Paulo, Scipione, 1994

2 - INFANTO-juvenís
2.01 - Villa-lobos, Collection Famous Children. São Paulo, Callis, 1994
2.02 - Monteiro Lobato, Collection Famous Children. São Paulo, Callis, 1999.
2.03 - Tarsila Do Amaral, Collection Brazilian Biographies. São Paulo, Callis, 1998
2.04 - Machado de Assis, Collection Brazilian Biographies. São Paulo, Callis, 1998
2.05 - Santos Dumont, Collection Brazilian Biographies. São Paulo, Callis, 1998
2.06 - Monteiro Lobato, Collection Brazilian Biographies. São Paulo, Callis, 2000
2.07 - CANDIDO PORTINARI, Collection Masters of the Arts in Brazil. São Paulo, Moderna, 1999
2.08 - JOSE FERRAZ ALMEIDA JUNIOR, Collection Masters of the Arts in Brazil. São Paulo, Moderna, 1999
2.09 - ALFREDO VOLPI, Collection Masters of the Arts in Brazil. São Paulo, Moderna, 2000
2.10 - ALBERTO da Veiga GUIGNARD, Collection Masters of the Arts in Brazil. São Paulo, Moderna, 2000
2.11 - Alfredo Volpi, Collection Famous Children. São Paulo, Callis, 2001

3.01 - Cravo fought with the rose
3.02 - My mother told me...
3.03 - Art and flowers
3.04 - Art and animals
3.05 - History of the art
3.06 - Painters and Brazilian paintings
3.07 - Langsdorff: an adventure in Brazil