
Neide Archanjo was born in São Paulo and trained as an attorney at the University of São Paulo (USP), and also as a psychologist at the São Paulo's Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas. She made her debut as a poet with "Primeiros Ofícios Da Memória"(First crafts of memory) in 1964. From that time on, she was been in the lead of poetry exhibits, recitals in theaters, cafes, colleges and libraries, taking part in national and international festival of art and poetry, as well as created and carried out literary actions such as "Poesia Na Praça" (Poetry on the plaza) and the Mário De Andrade Library's Literary Workshop in São Paulo. She was given a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's fellowship for resident poet in Portugal. Her poems are included in local and foreign anthologies, and the ones of "Pequeno Oratório Do Poeta Para O Anjo" (Brief oratorio from the poet to the angel)were recorded on cd by celebrated Brazilian singer Maria Bethânia in 1998. She is counted one of the most remarkable authors of Brazilian literature risen from the 1960's generation. Recipient of the São Paulo's Art Critics Association (APCA) prize for poetry in 1980 and nominee for the Jabuti Award for poetry in 1995 with "Tudo É Sempre Agora" (All is always now), she was given the São Paulo's Art Critics Association (APCA). Prize for poetry in 2000 with the book "Epifanias" (Epiphanies). Neide Archanjo is a member of the "Poesia Sempre", Review's publishing council and has worked as an officer of Brazil's National Library Foundation (FBN) in Rio de Janeiro, were she settled.

STATEMENT - After thirty-seven years of literary practice, ten books, poems recorded on CD and the experience of all that Rilke used to considerer necessary for one to write a simple verse, I feel that I have found some rhythm of writing, as well as a certain way of being in the world. The poetry I write has always been fascinated by the great universal subjects, however keeping in continuous touch with life and its epiphanies.
My poetic attitude blends into my personal posture: I fight for the balance between action and dream, and try to make life into a living poem in which parts are meant to become a consonant whole. My passion for the transcedental makes an alliance with the search for an obstinate formal strictness. I think all books of mine accomplish this purpose.


  1. PRIMEIROS OFÍCIOS DA MEMÓRIA (First Crafts of Memory), 1964 (poes.) Ed. Massao Ohno (SP);
  2. O POETA ITINERANTE (The Itinerant poet), 1968 (poes.) Ed. IIIa Palma (SP);
  3. POESIA NA PRAÇA (Poetry on the Plaza), 1970 (poes.) Ed. IIIa Palma;
  4. QUIXOTE, TANGO E FOXTROTE (Quixote, Tango and Fox-Trot), 1975 (poes.) Ed. do Escritor (SP);
  5. ESCAVAÇÕES (Excavations), 1980 (poes.) Ed. Nova Fronteira (RJ);
  6. AS MARINHAS (The Seascapes) 1984 (poes.) Ed. Salamandra (RJ);
  7. POESIA 1964 a 1984, 1987 (obra reun.)( Poetry from 1964 to 1984 - collected works) Ed. Guanabara;
  8. TUDO É SEMPRE AGORA (All is Always Now), 1994 (poes) Ed. Maltese (SP);
  9. PEQUENO ORATÓRIO DO POETA PARA O ANJO (Brief Oratorio from the Poet to the Angel), 1997 (poes.) Ed. da Autora (RJ);
  10. CD "POESIA FALADA" coleção Vol. VI Neide Archanjo por Neide Archanjo, Participação Especial de Maria Bethânia (Neide Archanjo by Neide Archanjo - spoken poetry collection on CD, vol IV / with guest artist Maria Bethânia) - Gravadora Luz da Cidade, 1998 - RJ;
  11. EPIFANIAS (Epiphanies), 1999 (poes.) Ed. Record (RJ).

Translated by Sérgio Pachá

A Poem by the Author