Politikal's Podium

Today I want to talk about a shameful secret - how we treat children in America. The United States has the highest rate of children born into poverty, 1 in 6, of any industrialized nation. Ten million children, that is 10 followed by 6 zeros, 1 child in 7, lacks health insurance1. For 100,000 of the children in foster care, going home to family of origin is not possible, but only 20,000 were adopted in 19952. Families with children comprise 38% of the homeless population3. More than 3.1 million children were reported abused or neglected, in 19954. Daily, in America, at least 3 children DIE as a result of abuse, and most are under the age of 55.

You and I can stop this.

Children are the future, the collective potential of the human race and the United States. A gift and sacred responsibility worthy of the holiest of homilies. -If I believed in such things….but perhaps you do.- Think on the walking wounded adults in this country, the formerly abused children. What is it costing us as a society to treat those incarcerated or institutionalized, or those tortured souls in therapy (or not)? The "road rage", the violence, gangs, drug & alcohol abuse, and increasing medical costs owe part of their genesis to past child abuse.

Give your time to children's organizations. Tell your political representatives, local to national, how important children are. Befriend a troubled family, offer to baby-sit when a child's caregivers need a break. REPORT child abuse! Fight for affordable housing, health insurance, daycare, and a living minimum wage. Ask your politician's to put more money into child abuse prevention and enforcement. Become a Foster Parent. Lower child protective services workers' caseloads! Incarcerate sexual predators for life.

We can all make a difference.

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Legislative Look

There are 81 total vacancies in the federal courts and 41 confirmations pending before the Senate. See the table below.
vacancies pending
US Court of Appeals
US District Court
US Court International Trade

Both the President and the Senate have been ridiculously partisan, and now there is a severe shortage of judges. Dockets are backlogged and cases are substantially delayed. GET WITH IT, SENATORS HATCH & SPECTER! Courts are for the People, not politicians.

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