Nuclear Toast Web Site

Like many unique local areas, the Fallout Zone has some unique characteristics that distinguish it (and its populace) from others. This simple test separates the locals from the poseurs. Have questions about any of them? Email Reactor Control.


You might be from Seattle if... believe the weather man. throw an aluminum can in the trash and feel guilty. use the phrase "sun breaks" and know what it means. know more than 10 ways to order a cup of coffee. complain about Californians, as you sell your house to one for twice as much as you originally paid. never go camping without waterproof matches and ponchos.

...half your friends work at Microsoft or Boeing. are amazed at an accurate weather forecast. stand on a deserted street corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal. know more people who own boats than air conditioners. hear the word "fairy" and think of boats and long waits. (Ferry.) obey all traffic laws except "keep right except to pass". only honk your horn if collision is imminent, and never for anything else. feel like you've grown up with Bill Gates and can't figure out why people can be so mean to him. consider swimming an indoor sport. know what they mean: "Today's forecast: Showers followed by rain" and "Tomorrow's forecast: Rain followed by showers." consider, if it doesn't have snow on it or has not recently erupted regardless of altitude, it is a "hill" not a "mountain". are currently working as a computer consultant Portland. can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, and Thai food. the winter you go to work in the dark, come home in the dark, and only have an 8 hour day.'ve ever tasted Pace extra mild Picante sauce. consider a floating bridge a pain in the butt, not an engineering marvel. know what Lutefisk is. go to a really nice bar and sit at a table. have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain. can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle's Best Coffee and Tully's. feel overdressed wearing a suit or a dress to a really nice restaurant. consider "etiquette" a foreign word.'d be miffed if the store were out of your favorite brand of water. personally know someone from Alaska. drool at the world's worst BBQ sauce. find a wallet with $500 in it and give it back to the owner. used to live somewhere else, but won't admit it publicly. can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you can't see through the cloud cover. knew immediately that the view out Frasier's window was fake. have roots in Idaho, Oregon, or Montana, but wanted a high paying job. ever tried to get a summer job only in Alaska. think skiing always means being being covered from head to toe, on snow or water. resent being called a weirdo. know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon. know how to pronounce: Sequim, Puyallup, Issaquah, Enumclaw and Sammamish.