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Saturday 5 June - Saturday 12 June

Mill Hill is alive with the sound of music!

(first released 10 April 1999)

Mill Hill Music Festival ’99 launched in style!

Performers, helpers and other supporters got together to launch the third Mill Hill Music Festival, being held in the first week of June this year, with a glass of champagne last Saturday.

The organisers are aiming to build on the success of the 1997 Festival, with the same wide range of music - from rock to Mozart, from jazz to Gilbert & Sullivan - but with even more events to choose from. Local halls, schools and churches will be hosting events during Festival Week and as organiser Jane Ellison explained " For 1999 the Festival has been extended by an extra day and the opening concert is a wonderful opportunity to hear the Fauré requiem which will mark our first opening Saturday in style".

Organiser Marion Dewing said "The programme features some popular performers from previous years as well as introducing some very exciting Festival newcomers, such as up-and-coming jazz star Harry Allen" Other new acts include the local bhangra group Kalakaar and The Burning Bush, Britain’s top exponents of early and traditional Jewish music. The Festival 'Later' slot features an extensive programme of pub gigs and for the first time up-to-date information about the Festival can be found on their new web site at www.oocities.org/~millhillmusic

The Edgware & Mill Hill Times is supporting the Mill Hill Music Festival and will be featuring articles and information about the event in the weeks preceding it. Programme details and booking information are available from Nomad Travel in Mill Hill Broadway or from the Library.

The Mill Hill Music Festival organisers can be contacted on 0181 959 5013.

For More Information Contact:

Jane Ellison
Mill Hill Music Festival 1999
12a Greendale Green Avenue Mill Hill London NW7 4QA
Tel: 0181 201 0175
Fax: 0181 201 0175
Internet: jane_ellison@compuserve.com


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