This is neat little banner script that displays a rotating message in a button. This is nice alone, or if you would like, you can combine this with the Button Linker script to create a neat-looking link to a page. Be sure to check out the color coding if you have any questions about how to modify the script.
The source..

<script language="Javascript">
// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas -

var speed = 100
var message = "Welcome to my Page!  "

var s = 0
var l = message.length
document.write("<form name='btn'><input type='button' "
+"name='sc' value='"+ message +"'></form>")

function btnsc() { = message.substring(s,l) + message.substring(0,s)

if (s >= l) {
s = 0



Color coding..

This is the speed in 1/100 seconds that the text rotates.
Editting this changes the text in the button.