I am a grandfather who long ago searched for the answers to the question "Who am I?" I took a long journey into many books and strange places. I crossed seas and explored many countries and climbed many mountains. I would now like to share my discoveries and stories with you, my grandchildren. So gather with me about the fireplace on this cold winter evening. Sit on the rug and watch the fire while I tell my stories. This is a story book about science and about where you came from, who you are ... and where you must go.

I have used children's story format, because children think magically naturally ... before they are conditioned to separate themselves from the world they perceive "out there." Scientists are among the most conditioned to be objective, that is, to separate themselves as observers from what they are observing.

Hard science deals with concrete things, not evanescent thoughts and emotions. Mathematics is said to be separate even from nature and perception and to exist separately and independently as laws of God.

Science has come a long way with its objectivity and insistence on reproducible experiments and proof Yet, the method has resulted in a denial of the subjective half of reality. Half-truths have tremendous power over those who believe that such truths are full and complete.

Perhaps it is time to reopen the doors of perception into mind and subjectivity ... and to allow the fresh air of courageous inquiry to sweep away some of our present crystallized scientific fancies.

Magical thinking allows the thinker or observer to be the center of the perceived reality. Unfortunately, the prospect of trusting in oneself as the linchpin of reality can be quite disturbing. The very word magic invokes fears of sinister, dangerous, irrational phenomena. Reason will not easily give up its conviction that it holds the keys to control, power, reality, health, and happiness.

At birth, a baby is totally self-centered, and so is a very old wise person who, childlike, is aware of the magic interconnectedness synchronicity of all things and thoughts. Magical thinking involves dissolving boundaries and limits and melding into the field of the universe. Such a liberated mind extends towards infinity and tastes the field of infinite possibilities.

The courage to write came from Dr. Deepak Chopra. He is one of the front line participants in the great struggle to free human consciousness for the great celebration at the equinox of the Gods. The old dies a slow and painful death, while the new bursts out of the chrysalis in song and dance.

Beyond notions of right and wrong, there is a field... let's meet there!

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Copyright © 1998 James Babcock. All rights reserved.
Web Page Revised: December 16, 1998.