Welcome to the official
Janelle DuBois Information Center F.A.Q.
(Fabulously Answered Questions)


Who is "Janelle DuBois," anyway?

A Dallas drag performer and writer, and self-proclaimed Girl Intellectual. For more details see my brief bio

Actually there's not much more than that in your brief bio...

OK, OK, so I've been too lazy to do a real bio! Quit pestering me!

How about just a few highlights...?

I write a monthly (4th Friday) column called "Loose in Dallas" for the Dallas Voice. I've self-published two little books of poetry: "Big Girl Fun" and "Goddesses and Monsters." During 1997-98 I hosted a monthly open mic/fundraising event called "Janelle's Time of the Month" at the (now defunct) Dallas coffeehouse Java Jones. I also spent a few happy years as "Strictly Ornamental Princess" in the (also now defunct - if you value your funct-ness, stay away from me!) Imperial Sovereign Royal Court of the Lone Star Empire de Dallas, Inc. I've done some performance art: "My Life As Elizabeth Dole," "Janelle's Secret," and "Janelle's Drag Queen Side Show." I read at and sometimes host poetry events around town. Stuff like that...

On a more personal note - are you single?

Last time I counted, yes.

Do you date?

Easily - just look at my rings!

You call your home page the "Janelle DuBois Information Center." Does that mean the information is ABOUT you or that you're the one PROVIDING the information?

Ah, you picked up on that subtle ambiguity - I like that in an imaginary interviewer! Are you free later...? Actually, this site's mainly about me, but includes a fair number of links elsewhere - on my fan page, for example.

You're your own Webmistress?


And you know what they say about a girl who's her own Webmistress...?

I know, I know - she's got a fool for a client. On the other hand, there are times when a girl's got to do things for herself or have them not get done at all.

You don't make use of many fancy features, like blinking, animation, sound, or even a guestbook or a counter. Why is that?

I have a short attention span - movement and sound distract me too easily. So I asked the Webmistress not to include any, and - after a brief argument - she agreed. Likewise, I don't have a guestbook or a counter because I couldn't bear the thought that someone might write something unflattering in my guestbook, or, even worse, that not many people might visit my site.

Aren't you turning your back on reality?

What can I say - the Art of Illusion is my life.



And now back to Janelle's Brief Bio or the Janelle DuBois Information Center