They gathered, weeping, in the glen,
to mourn the loss of one who loved.
For all the time she dwelled with them
Delight abounded, pleasure proved
to lighten hearts of all she knew.

She came to them from worlds unknown.
Some distant star knew of her birth.
Enwrapped in beauty, as a song~
does touch one's soul, she conquered earth~
Serene and peaceful, wise and true.

They worshipped her, as humans will~
Denying gods of war and pain,
She lies enshrouded, white and still~
Destroyed by hate and cold disdain.
How much she loved-- they never knew.

Kaitlyn Kiri~1998

Rape and Pillage

In the distance, clouds of omen,
raging hearts of fiery charge~
laying waste, displaying torment,
lethal seeds of hate discharge.

Tearing still-born dreams asunder,
surging rough-shod o'er the heart~
thrusting toward climactic thunder,
wreak their havoc and depart~

Kaitlyn Kiri~1998

Wisdom of the Ages

Solemn, clutching staff of myriad magic,
rose the mage before the God of Light.
"Tell me then, why is this world so tragic?
Why not give them comfort and delight?

They who dwell in misery and darkness,
scratching bare existence from the ground.
Born to live and die in shallow bleakness,
seeking for a truth they've never found.

Are they not more than chattels, for amusement?
They too, have souls of agony and pain.
You can give the blessing of contentment
yet, you still withhold your hand from them."

"Be still-young fool! Take heed to whom your speaking!
Through suffering, they learn, perhaps they grow.
The truth lies in the suffering and the seeking.
For all of life is love, this they shall know.

I give to you the wisdom of the ages,
All good in life is love, this you shall know."

Kaitlyn Kiri~1998

Lost Vision

Patterns etched across the heavens,
Moon-lit webs of dancing light~
echo in redundant splendor.
Naiads play on waters bright.
Hear their song of love invading~
thus compel and thus incline,
and the crystal song, cascading~
hypnotized each mortal mind.

Kaitlyn Kiri~1998

Tower Sentinel

High upon a windy mountain
stood the Tower Sentinel.
Lonely, stark and bathed in shadow.
Guardian of the Keep of Fell.

Cloistered gardens washed in moonlight,
tough and tangled 'neath the wall,
lent an air of dark foreboding
from the marbled entrance hall.

Hesitates an errant footstep,
hushed amid the brambled boughs.
Image pale in wandering shadows,
stealthy haste, which fear endows.

Ah, who comes! She listens bravely,
heartbeats pounding in her ear.
Muffling sounds of her pursuer~
Be still, oh heart, that she may hear.

Fear instills her soul with flight-song.
Unerringly, she seeks the light~
Run if thee would see the morning~
Flee the Harpies of the night.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 1998

The Story Telling

The wind which blows across this land
carries tales of ancient rhymes.
Of songs no man can understand
from magical and mystic times.

As shadows lengthen, tales are told
from faerie-lore and elfin sage.
The mysteries of days of old~
the glories of a simpler age.

The Wood Elves

They sang a song of summer nights,
they played the whole day through.
They smelled the sweetness of a rose
and drank the morning dew.

The life they lived was fair and good,
as simple as a sigh.
They rose up with the morning sun~
and slept when night drew nigh.

Contentment and sweet joy were theirs,
they dwelt untouched by tears.
Their laughter fills a thousand hearts
and lasts a thousand years.

Kaitlyn Kiri~

On Walking Through A Church Graveyard At Night

Tread softly, for the path is shadowed.
Fear the darkness and its' keep,
lest thee awaken forms once hallowed
from a long and blessed sleep.

Here, the dead, in dreamless slumber,
stir an urgency to flight.
Count thee not among their number.
Leave the night-things to the night.


Through the mist of long forgotten dreams,
I journey toward the keeper of the flame.
The way is less familiar now, it seems,
I know and yet cannot recall, the name.

And now an urgency hastens my pace.
I feel the shadow of a secret fear.
My mentor seems to own a darker face
and threatens all in life, that I hold dear.

I must succeed. I need this journeys' end,
beholden, as I am, to estranged fate.
For if I value him, whom I call friend,
to save his soul, I dare not hesitate.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 1999

~A Tale~ Part-1

Held within the cloak of darkness,
Breathes the Ancient, far below
Ionian Seas' secluded blackness,
deep beneath Olympian snow.

Formed the first light of the earth,
far beyond the age of man,
sleeping she lay, since the birth.
Thus she waits, since time began.

Through her heart a slow pulsation
quickens to a faster pace~
fills each vein with expectation,
awareness of her time and space.

Ancient beauty, time undaunting,
with a wisdom time imbued,
Blue and silver, winged, enchanting,
rises now to life renewed.


The river ran beneath a shuttered hall,
beside a garden bathed in misty light.
She waited there beside the garden wall,
for he would come and be with her, this night.

A chill of darkness settled o'er the vale.
She was a vision~ drifting, moon-lit gauze.
Ethereal apparition, slim and pale~
woeful enough to give the stranger pause.

A wistful longing stole across his mind,
the feeling he had known her long ago.
Impressions of a dream, now well defined,
gathered memories, conscious need to know.

In quiet questioning, he spent this night,
transfixed by images of her design.
She vanished as a mist in morning light~
Leaving him no word, nor any sign.


Through the forest, swiftly gleaming,
radiant in the light of day,
bright of magic and of dreaming,
all the fairy-folk at play.

In their world of painless wonder,
born of beauty and of love,
singing to the stars they're under
and to gods who dwell above.

All the fairy-folk delighting~
beings created of the sun,
Sing to those who hear, inviting,
"Come and find the joy we've won."

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 2001

~The Hatchling~

Beside a ravaged, war-torn land,
beneath the reefs which edged the sea,
unknown by those who lived above
she writhed in new-born agony.

With one great plunge of fettered claws,
she broke the prison of her shell.
Set free to gasp the fetid air
of caverns deep, where dark things dwell.

A thousand years she lay in wait
for one small ray of wamth to stir
electric shock into a brain
and warm the blood, to waken her.

She stretched her limbs and turned her head.
She listened for a mothers' cry.
But no one came to comfort her.
Alone and new, she ventured nigh.

Kaitlyn Kiri~ 2001