This is a continuing teaching on walking by faith.  It also helps us to pray with power, instead of cutting ourselves off from the power of GOD.
1.  Matt 5:21-24:  (Do Not Judge)  Husbands judge wives and wives judge husbands.  Doesn’t the Bible teach that we could suffer the same judgment?  Isn’t judgment the same as condemning someone?  We should always remember that we must edify and support.  If you see something wrong, go to that person and pray with them, show that person love.  True Godly Love can change anything or anyone.

2.  Matt 5:11:  (Salt with no flavor)  By the words of your mouth you will cut yourself off from God.

3.  Eph 4:29:  (Corrupt Communication)  This will put you back in the world you just left.  How can you expect to receive mercy if you show no mercy?

4.  Col 3:8-10  (Corrupt Anger)  Same thing;  you do not need to reduce your praying power just to talk an unrighteous walk with the devil.

5.  1 Thes 2:6-8, 5:15-22  (love and Humility)  Try to look at each situation and person as though JESUS were looking at it or them.  Remember, as a Christ-ian we are to be Christ-like.

6.  Phil 4:6  (Pray and receive)  Think of the 10 points of powered-up answered prayer.  Look not at others mistakes, we make enough of our own that we must repent for.

7.  1 Tim 1:12-16  (Mercy)  Try to give more than you get.  No souls were ever won over to the LORD through HATE, ANGER, MISTRUST, DECEIT or GOSSIP.

8.  2 Thes 1:7-8  (GOD’S VENGEANCE)  GOD expects us to be Ambassadors for HIM on this world.  Look at what HE did to the Egyptians, Philistines, Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood of the entire world.

9.  Matt 10:28  (Fear)  We have no reason to fear anyone or anything that has no bearing on our life or our salvation.

10.  2 Thes 2:6-10  (revelation of the antichrist)

11.  John 14:12-14  (Authority)  Do we Glorify GOD with all that we do?  Greater works.

12.  James 3:17  (Doer of the Word)  Be ye full of mercy and good fruits.