HOW RELATIONSHIPS ''BOMB'' (Both Physical and Psychological)

The Relationships of Nature = "Maximum Exposure & Minimum Superposition" (Cook, Curves of Life))
The Nature of Relationships = "Familiarity, the magician kind to the ugly but cruel to beauty" (Ouida)




if this be a ship of a solitary fule so solly,
tom, dick, harry & cholly.
likewise to fran, bette, connie & molly.

YoUrs trooly, says "You are Welcome!" 
anyhow, to query or "to mention 
or not to mention, it." 


Is the shape that things have been
the relationships of matter
Has much to do with how things are;
What's been the matter with "us"
that there's a "fratricidal implication" (Temple, "SIrius")
in our not being able to get off the planet?

the Fruit fly's egg, the killer whale's foetus
overlook it and life will defeat us
and forever live seeking coping devices
unless we live with/for/towards
to the point in the oneness where we get it,
where the .618 meets the .382, 
more valuable than golden,
neglect it, by institutionalizing familiarity,
and be callous and mean.

every hueman has a messiah within waiting
to be exercised.

If you can "get" 34 or more of the LV Riddles this version will be easy, if not try the Alphonse Andreotti Distillation or if "poetry" be your route try OffEgo

Artists, editors, scientists, megadisciplinarians and natural judeo-christians-muslims, (-hindus, -etc.) only please, (preferably those willing to, at least temporarily, put up their shield protecting cherished traditions.)
*******Because familiarity makes us oblivious of the obvious:*******

This page is submitted largely as a reminder for much of it's content is only too obvious. If you give it a look or a look and a half it may confuse more than remind or inform. If you allow yourself to be immersed in it for a time it is possible that, after the bright light that it emits becomes easier on the eyes, you may be able to see:
*** How to win Freedom (from gaps, including between U and IT.) ***

             NOTFORTHECROWD and perhaps only for yoU.

      Understanding why THISBETHEPAGE may Catapult yoU past your

     ***   ****    ******* Jehovah Complex *******    ****   ***

                maybe even boost you beyond Buddhahood, 
           so that you too can become a decimator of myths.
   It may be too late to actually have most loosen their clutch on
cherished traditions, but you may be able to help some do this and get the
   others to get suspicious as to the why of "'family' violence". 

   This page is meant to do for the nature of relationships (human),
  what Einstein theories did to the relationships of nature (cosmic).

  You must gather from what follows recognition that "family values"
  include negative ones and that the powerful force of "familyarity'
  s thing" will have them outweigh the positive, in fact, the more
  positive the more easily outweighed.

  You must see that any institutionalization of familiarity will  
  promote and/or sustain the negative, for " kind
  to the ugly, but cruel to beauty." (Sainthood is due OUIDA, for
  this insight alone. It is the most succinct way familiarity'sthing
  has been put, for it shows both sides of it's coin.)

    That extended familiarity does what does is a, maybe the most,
        natural indication of what makes huemans hueman. 

  Is it not possible for a hueman with all that spirally gray matter 
  between their spiralled ears to become somewhat familiar with
  everything in the cosmos?

  Is it possible for any human to know everything there is to know 
  about any one thing?

  Could it be that it is because we do not exercise oUr ability to 
  become somewhat familiar about everything that extending familiarity
  on particular things causes the beauty to pale, and the ugly to be
  acceptable? (Think of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.)

  What do yoU suppose will happen, sooner or later, should we continue
  along the path of increasing the number of things we become somewhat
  familiar with?
  Will answering the above be eased by recognizing that by relating in 
  THAT SPIRAL WAY which occurs on all levels of the cosmos, from the
  galaxy to DNA, components in the respective systems approach

                    fAMILYARITY  &  PHIBONACCI
for Ron Knott's almost complete page (Fibonacci)                      

CONFUCIUS SAY , Golden Rule = (in a word,)"RECIPROCITY-
(As HiLLEl)   (Don't do to others what you do not want done to you.")

OUIDA SAY "Familiarity, a magician, kind to the ugly, cruel to beauty" 



HENRY OZ=77 SAY: If the Universal Love Boat be a ship of one fool,sorry.

+ + + + + + + the (better than Golden) Mean sect-shun .618034... (1/.618034 = 1.618034 and vice-universa!) the small to the large as the large to the whole Universal RECIPROCITY via COSMIC SPIRALLING via the self-reciprocant of UNITY/ONE/I/1 1 (aka IT + U) ------------------------ 1 + 1 ---------- 1 + 1 ------- 1 + 1 .... = = = = = = =

the hard and soft sciences cumming together in gental copulation,
understand it well and it will, orgiastically, keep on cumming.

You may be inclined to make too little of the fact that IT and U dropped into SPIR AL gives you SPIRITUAL, when actually, you can't make too much of it.

Limitation In All Relationships (or be a (LIAR) re:

Theme of seven (vii) tel10map(s) (telphimap(s) in progress:

I. The Ease Of Survival factor:  
      As the ease of survival increases so does both the speed
at which FAMILIARITY does it's "kind to the ugly, cruel to beauty"
recursive THING and the ability to gain access to coping devices.  
This is how the perverse and vicious violent cycle continues.
Rule of thumb for survival in environments: First to do dishes, last to orgasm. 2. The Sex Gap From ravenous delight to perfunctory blight,,,.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself", as a plea for mutual masturbation. 3. Plugging the Power Gap powerlessness: non-tribal/clan/sect affiliation = safety Balkanize = Contiguity = War Rule of thumb: He's got the whole world under his thumb... Industrialist assisted suicide via: Fat, Alcohol, & Tobacco...War. 4. The Spiralling "Heart" of IT "Love is a disease that creates its own anti-body, marriage." (Anon. fr. "Laughter & Liberation", Mindess) "Marriage, a terminal disease." (fr."Married w/children?") Myth of "Mother love" vs E=(C+2)m(orM) (fr. basic relativity) (where C=castration, 2=squared, m=mothering M="jewish" m) "Love the neighbor but construct fence." (Russian proverb) V. How to DEFUSE the BOMB (aka the BLOB of tradition!) Of the most grandiouse GUT theory the spiral splays. Recognizing Familiarity's way and seeing it as "a monster which devours everything" (Balzac) we stop force feeding it, sp ira lling our FAMI LIARITY, taking nature's lead and giving it "MAXIMUM EXPOSURE and MINIMUM SUPERPOSITION" (Sir Teddy (Spirals)Cook), "Curves of Life") or face the alternative of fighting for firsts for the monster's defecation. See clearly why the etymology of the word "family" rightly ends ..."cf.DOOM." (Webster's New World pre-2nd College Edition('52-'62.) also at here 6. On Piety W/O Deity. On Mr.and/or Ms."God" vs IMManENCE (THE LORD OF SYNCHRONICITY) with broader and more finely tuned power than Jehovah, Allah, Christ, Krishna, and any and all udder "fathers", a "defensible piety" where we Worship yoUr World. ******* Worship yoUr world and IT will worship back.******* 7. Enlighten up the faithful. There is nothing but yoU and IT, and yoU are at IT's center. U and IT in UnITy! U are to IMMANENCE as IMMANENCE is to ITself + U.

your phrend, Angel Aaahaahahh! (on finding the final hint funny)

MOTTO (going for Doctorate In The Too Obvious (DITTO)

H77's pen chants for sharing, with at least 3 or phor o' ya?

he looks something like this

The *decimator relates from experience with individuals and environments rather than books (not to say that "book larning" has not more or less confirmed similar findings from not so similar experiences.)

The potential for name dropping is almost as broad as bibliographia, ie. ad nauseum (barf-)pukes-ville. Luminaries, their agents and brokers abound, some still alive and, though not so luminous, still capable of seven figure annual incomes are in both professional ('50s-'60s) and post-professional experiences of The Sharer, yours truly, Angel *Aaahaahahh, aka HENRY *OZ=77 *Phibonacci, formerly *Hg CPA, accountant to the stars, their drama school, their agents as well as their agents' trade association. But this is not a "do their tax returns and tell page".

Existence seethes with a simple hint: permeating all is the lack of permanence, so distinct as to be hardly discernible. When heard in a shriek or whisper it utters or, from tired familiarity, mutters, "CHANGE or DIE." (now hasn't that become a fornicatingly boring comment?)


"The Last Book/Page/Monolog/Rap (BPMR) written" to stop the mental masturbation and bibliographia ad nauseum. The BPMR to end the necessity for more bpmrs. The BPMR which gets all to WORSHIP OUR WORLD (WOW), so to stop this bovine defecation that makes "Contiguity make for war..." (Zangwill).

The BPMR which gets all to understand OUIDA's "Familiarity is a magician, kind to the ugly, cruel to beauty." and "....the terrible trials of incessant proximity.'' as the most important hints at the species' problem (s?). morehere

The BPMR which shows RECIPROCITY as the connection link between hard and soft sciences,bringing the GOlden Rule as "RECIPROCITY", in A WORD (Confucius), in equality with the GOlden Mean sect-shun self-RECIPROCANT of UNITY/ONE, the .618034 spiral of "MAXIMUM EXPOSURE and MINIMUM SUPERPOSITION" (COOK,TA "CURVES OF LIFE" 1914 rpt.1979) Sir ''SPirals'' Teddy Cook also did intro. for book on German War Crimes.)

         FREEDOM FROM GAPS!!!!!!! 
         WORSHIP OUR WORLD!!!!!!!

ALL 7,778,742,049 OF ''US'' (includes all of "THEM"). 
The birds, the bees, the shimmering spiralling trees
And worship, too, the 7,778,742,049 mes. 

originally at 11/11/96 Veterans Day - in memory of brother Eddie,
    life aborted by a"friendly" BOMB in a "WorldWar" between cousins.

and on 3/17/98, St. Patrick's Day, which would have been his 75th birthday, there is available a memorial production

Also available for your puzzling on the connection between Gertrude Stein's "Familiarity doesn't breed contempt..." and Trudi's Rabbit on the Shell, with Venus and the Naked Truth (part of Eddiephi,s) Gertrudi for OZ

forthcoming Heptology of*"TEL10MAP"s ("telphimap"(s), to include answers to FAQs such as: "What's a "Phibonacci"? "What about "love"? and "How do we raise our children (without "family")? EXCUSE PLEASE!!!!!!! FORGIVE PLEASE!!!!!!! NO INTENT TO BE *WITY! IF NOT ABLE TO EXCUSE &/OR FORGIVE, THEN *PITTY (GOES TO YOU.) OBFUSCATION COMES NATURALLY! K-OZ The most together place is in FUSION. K-OZ is where the PRO and CON of FUSION meet. Our Zaniest,best friend, as good, at least, as G-OD or D-OG. K-OZ is a friend of mine, She borders on the sublime, Better than the canny K-9 And the kinder=gentler-divine.

The Trammels of Tradition

(The Alphonse Andreotti Distillation)

The trammels of tradition are not of steel or heavy gauge material but
sticky and embracive, of a blood (money), milk-fat-SUGAR and (mostly) myth
combo which may, with a light solution of these hints, be washed away.

Life is art splayed on "God's" canvas,
  With the inner light "god's" theme is quickly surmised.
     With harmony and proportion there is no compromise,
          only infinite variety in their exposition.
                  The full light of the cosmic hint
                               will blind to all but that 
whirling which appears as chaos only to those where the light shines
from whithout.

It's spiral motif gives grand hints on every level of the cosmos.        
  Seek at the center, and at the fringes, of art, religion, theology
    and the harder sciences and you will find the striving for that 
       splayful spiral relationship which affords:
                 of the components in their respective systems.    

                                   The tragic roles the race plays
                      are constant reminders of why the striving 
                                          for the opposite of 
                             relentless leads to 
      FAMILIARITY doing it's THING.

The  natural spiral  is THE relationship of nature
leads to reflections of THE nature of relationships.
Is nature trying to tell us something?

The cosmic shape of THINGS from DNA thru the GALaxy
This theory of unity is grand enough!
Recognize the uni-verse underlying the multi-verse.
Yet, enjoy the multi-verse by giving change a chance.

shell +4

shell allegory

(image) Birth of VENUS montage, showing (image) Bellini's "Birth of Apollo" (IV)(inter-venusly) or is it the "rebirth of Bellini", via Lenny & Sandy? (What made Allen Ginsberg remark on his knowing the davinci-botticelli connection when shown the shell allegory?) and Sandy's "Naked Truth" with her upraised hand shell/cornice backgrounding? The SPIRAL shows up in NATURE in different ways via the certain numbers, called after the answer-series of Fibonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, in his 1202AD arithmetic. As Bonacci = Simpleton, then FiBonacci = SIMPson? (as in O.J., The SIMPSONS, and Wallis, the aborter of Edward VIII's reign.) The relationship has become known by a variety of lofty terminology: The Sacred cut (according to the Egptians, who used it in the construction of the Great Pyramid, as well as laying out the individual pyramid's placement to evince it, or was it all by cHAHAHAnce?); the Divine Proportion: the Golden Ratio-SPiral, or the Golden Rectangle or triangle, within which the spiral can be drawn. Leonardo da Vinci was heavily intrigued by the SPIRAL (more or less than J. Kepler?) and did extensive studies of it from anatomy and architecture to physiognomy, weaponry and zoology. See his helicopter blade! (see those spirals used in the computer aided designed graphics invading TV on their way to becoming TOO familiar). His spread-eagled man in in a circle is after another interested in the relationship, and is in itself a study of the perfect proportion the relationship affords applied to the human image. Both Bellini's "Birth of Apollo" and Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" Both shell allegories. Add to pre-Darwinism. are Both golden rectangle canvases. A certain murder in Rosslin, of an apprentice for a spiral motif on a column, while the master was away. A certain cloning centuries later add up to one cool historical mystery, Umberto Eco please note. That universal mode of relating, the first matter initiating in an S, the primal shape of the "Nature Spiral", the Path of Being, (the possible initiation of pi?) which most call "phi". The greek letter "coincident- aLLy?" consisting of the I and O, (the spiral, a circle becoming a straight line and v/v.) as well as the One and Not One (binary system), the decimal system, to be or not to be, and the peg and the hole. (Hope this gets the stubborn mathniques to give up the use of tau). The relationships of the member-components of the galaxy, the solar sys- stem, the planet, it's ocean waves, plants, animals, the shape of the brain in the foetus, and the foetus in it's mother's belly, from the fruit fly's egg to the killer whale's foetus. Your heart. This essential shape-relationship reflects in it's curious numerical equivalent (1.618034...or .l618034,,,each other's reciprocals + or - l (ONE, I, UNITY) the recursiveness, that some in the arts and sciences are more and more noticing, has at the (or a?) root of it's purpose the striving for: "MAXMIMUM EXPOSURE and MINIMUM SUPERPOSITION" If it is peace that is truly desired we must give change a chance. One may say that life is fiction written by "God's" favorite omni-gendered child, "Chance", or as one (Nick Cusa) did say, "God abides in coincidence." Like the etymology of the word "family" ending "" showing up when verifying that dictionary's didn't say that "family was a disease." (this derived from family's = house , where one lays, sets self down, as is in DOOM, set, laid down, (and as in superposition!) Time does not exist without vaRIETY, or to use the more commonly associated term, cHange. See Heraclitus' "the only constant is change." LET GO and MOVE ON! The letting go is not a matter of deserting but of embracing Embracing ALL (read SELF) and accepting cONEctedness in the very VA-riety of THINGS, thus avoiding the perils of Familyarity. The Familyarity which, institutionalized or sooner, breeds Callousness. PROMOTE TURNOVER! TURNOVER, is the way of NATURE, and PROMOTION is only required because of the ORIGINAL MISTAKE-detour/roadblock, the institutionalizing of Familiarity. Alphonse Andreotti, Distiller


Hg. S. DIX-SEPT, piddle yiddle a/k/a *(8-)*******

 I. Why does Familyarity still Breed Callousness?
 2. Why always WAR?
 3. Why the "Good Olde Days"?
 4. What is both kind to the ugly and cruel to beauty?
 V. Why is grass always greener (and mountains purpler) from afar?
 6. Why was 6 a number not first used in this listing?

 7. Is all violence "family violence"?
 8. Why racism, classism, religonism, nationalism?
 9. Why spiral?
 X. Why do things always seem to be worse than when things used to be worse?
11. Why rolling stones gather no moss?

12. Why does frequent intercourse cause estrangement?
13. Why promote turnover?
14. What is the basic "menace of privilege" (Henry George, Jr.)?
15. Would an EaseOfSurvival  Factor help solve 14.?
16. What is like the sea that kills the fisherman?
17. Why must we, like all the cosmic systems components, strive for


18. Why were Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, Ghandi not accepted by
    their own?
19. Why, in Kenya, is the medicine man not esteemed in his own village?
XX. Why does a goddess/god, shrink to woman/ man, when you marry them?
21. Why do so many have trouble completing the oldest of adages,
22. What is the "monster which devours "everything"?
23. Why force feed this monster?
24. Why fight for firsts at the devourers defecations?
25. What does F eventually, or sooner, do to Truth, Virtue and Riches?
26. Why "pilgrimages"?
27. How come the house of worship on the corner  doesn't cure?
28. How much familyarity leads to Knowledge as in the "Tree of Knowledge"?

29. Why generation gaps?
30. Why never ceasing "fashion" changing?
31. Why does it seem there are too many questions here?
32. Why "drugs"?
33. Why their abuse?
34. Why kinky sex?
35. Why sex abuse?
36. Why did blacks sell other blacks into slavery?
37. Does "contiguity make for war"?

38. Why do rock groups crack up?
39. Why did "Cain rock Abel"?
40. Why did ?-----? crack "Lucy"'s skull?

41. Why child abuse?
42. Why "significant other" abuse?
43.  "  species abuse?
44. How come impending "brink of extinction" (speciecide?)
    perennially hinted at?
45. Why fashion, booze and copulation abuse?
46. Why "perfect" sex evolves to "perfunctory" sex?
47. Why "Habit strips sin of it's enormity"?
48. Why "burn out"?
49. Why are limits reached? (ask DoCzI!)
 L. Why cries for "S P  A   C     E        !             !           !"?
L1. Why does the idol maker NOT worship the idol? (ask Abraham's father)
52. HOW does the magic work?
53. WHO the magician?
54. Where do people recognize what familiarity does?
LV. Who's this guy, PhiBonacci? and why this variety in number form? 
77 blessings to those who understand. 
* MOTTOman


Let's talk of the SEED at the base of

Fear mongers and apocalpyse awaiters lend me your ears. Before the before, or for at least 3777 years, man's extinction has seemed imminent, it's potential increased with technology's strides. Before Mohammed, Christ, Buddha, Krishna & Moses and their faction's crusades and "Holy" wars, Before peasants and royalty, nations, capitalism, communism, and socialism and their splinters, and probably before the paling of the species flesh the SEED, of what many see as MADNESS now, existed. By a simple error, an awesomely simple error, in our evolution, that might be called the Original Mistake, this seed was allowed to take root, the process institutionalized the race was set on the path which could lead only to having a "mad scientist" lurking in every man, woman and young adult. This "SEED" was/is FAMILIARITY, something referred to by most, if not all, civilizations on EARTH, for thousands of years, by way of directly stating or by a variation on the "saying": "Familiarity Breeds C....." As long as human thoughts have been recorded for posterity they have included comment on FAMILIARITY's THING, and, because of what it, familiarity, does, have been driven to say it in a myriad, of new, UNfamiliar, ways: It has been said by Heraclitus and by Diogenes Laeretes of Heraclitus. It has been said by Johnson and by Boswell of Johnson. It has been said by Tennyson and by Trollope of Tennyson. It has been said by a woman named Howe (Julia Ward) and, in an almost identical way, by a man named Howe (Ed). By a woman/man named Lamb Myrna/Charles. By Madeline, Margot and Mortimer J. Adler. By Abigail Adams and Charles Addams. By Aaron,(Hank), Addison, Ade, and Aesop to Orwell & Ouida to Zangwill & Zappa. It has been said by Alexander Pope and Pope Innocent III. It has been put in virtually every lainguage (if not all). Because it shows the two sides of Familiarity's coin, it has not been put more succinctly, than by a woman named Ouida: "Familiarity is a magician, kind to the ugly, cruel to beauty." (Ouida also wrote of "the terrible trials of incessant proximity." vs absence, in an example of the cruel to beauty side of the coin.) Of the 'kind to ugly' side of familiarity's coin variety: Harriet B. Stow and Fyodor Dostowevsky: Harriet's: "Whipping and abuse are like laudanum: you have to double the dose as the sensibilities decline." (Uncle Tom's Cabin) Dusty's:" Man is a pliable animal, a being who gets accustomed to everything!" (Prison Life in Siberia) and one nurse (in an abortion mill) to another: "We've only had 23 today". The doctor overhearing this actually, using that too familiar, and unfortunate, way of putting it, remarked 'Looks like Familiarity has bred contempt' (CALLOUSNESS is a much more appropriate term!) The Hebrew scripture': "Habit strips sin of its enormity.' Einstein, german-swiss jew might-be-Israeli and Ben (Dizzy) Disraeli, spanish-jew turned english-anglican (by dad Isaac), on Marriage and Wedlock respectively. Al: "Marriage is the unsuccessful attempt at making something long lasting out of an incident." (Bio and TV docu.) Ben: "It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being." (Copeland's Popular Quotations) While Hank Aaron says he was appreciated more in Japan than in the U.S., the Japanese say: "Brothers (and sisters) are soon strangers." and "Send your favorite child abroad." From Heraclitus, the man who brought us "Nothing endures but change": "One becomes estranged from that which they have frequent intercourse." "Prophet not accepted in his" Jesus' variation on the Chinese and other languages. (In Germany, today, it goes "The prophet, in his own house is nothing.") to Balzac's "A monster which devours everything, that is familiarity., Mark Twain's clemency in punning "FBC -and children" (in his same notebook he also wrote: "Familiarity breeds contempt. How accurate that is. ..." as why we so rarely hear the TRUTH (one of the more, Beautiful things, many think.) The Beatles bust up, The Pretenders no longer able to pretend, and Frank Zappa's (of his "Inventive "Mothers"): "We stayed together 'til we hated each other's guts." George Orwell blairing it , familiarity's thing, "instinctual" (in his "1984" notebook.) All add up to what one (most especially, Henry OZ=77,) may see as equating "Familiarity's thing" = the Nature of Relationships. All may take a moment to consider how one going about the world, spreading this reminder, chaHHHAHAancing on what is haHAHAappening in systems on all levels of the cosmos, in that certain spiralling, as olde as old can be, .6l8034 self-reciprocating relationship, the components gain something from relating this way, and it is: "MAXIMUM EXPOSURE AND MINIMUM SUPERPOSITION", All may wonder if this is anything but the opposite of the way we have been trying to relate by institutionalizing that which breeds callousness. Your ears are returned with the hope that the above is well lodged between them. Your Welcome, HENRY OZ=77, MOTTOman (Master Of The Too Obvious) "Profile" of "Decimator" "Decimator" is a pun use of a boo-boo in an Internet Conference catalog. The "decimation" was adjusted to "dissemination" in the next printing batch, but not before the New Yorker pointed its pun finger. This was particularly poignant for your pager had previously used a slighter (in several senses) "misspelling" vis. "dissemenation" and actually had checks printed for his "H77 Research and Dissemenation Fund" This here related attempting to have you see how easily the AUthor is prompted to pun about what is perhaps the most serious subject around. You may accept that the AUthor, (GOLDlightning), has had a terrible time with family, even though siblings will report that AUdy (GOLDy) was the least damaged and one of the strongest reasons provoking this jehovah- complex-like mission was the being independently told by three individuals, representing family, friends & professional acquaintances, that they thought mine was "the best of families" (later find this is seen as "the worst of compliments" by one worthy of quote book mention.) Potpourri pour vous? see

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