Regions of the Ensign Class Association

Region I

East Coast north to Stratford,
Connecticut, Fleets 1 7 9 14 17 21 32 51 63
Ken Coventry
Fleet 32 1965

Region II & III

Milford, Connecticut to Maine
Fleets 3 4 5 6 16 34 41 42 47 56 57 59 67
Russ Carr Fleet 57 1969

Region IV

The South, Southwest and West
Fleets 2 11 18 30 61
Becky Roof Fleet 2 1963

Region V

Upstate New York and the Great Lakes area
Fleets 8 12 20 23 29 31 35 37 39 43 48 49 50 69
Carl Foucht Fleet 23 1964