Yellowstone Visitor Centers

There are numerous visitor centers located around Yellowstone. All of the visitor centers are good places to get information about the park. They are also great places to meet and talk to the park rangers and learn about ranger presentations.

Mammoth Visitor Center and Museum
Open Daily, all year. This is the largest visitor center and has one of the best displays. Located in one of the historic buildings of the former Army post that protected the park in its early history, the main focus of the displays is the human history of the park.
Old Faithful Visitor Center
Open Daily, Mid-April to early November (road-opening to road-closing) and Mid-December to Mid-March (the winter season). This is the place to get geyser eruption predictions, including but not limited to Old Faithful geyser. You can also find out about ranger led walks and other presentations. Displays are sparse, although they do show movies about geysers and how they work in the adjacent theater.
Canyon Visitor Center
Open Daily, May through September. Canyon Visitor Center contains Yellowstone's newest exhibit, Where the Buffalo Roam, which opened August 1, 1997. The exhibit, which was made possible through partnership with the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming traces the story of bison in "Yellowstone Country" and features interactive exhibits and two full-size bison dioramas. This is one of the better displays in the park.
Fishing Bridge Visitor Center and Museum
Open Daily, May through September. Displays concern the biological life in the park.
Grant Village Visitor Center
Open Daily, May through September. Well presented and interesting displays discuss the Yellowstone fires of 1988 which burned approximately 1/3 of the park.
Norris Museum
Open Daily, May through September. Displays discuss the geology of Norris Geyser Basin. Eruption predictions for Echinus geyser are also posted.
Museum of the National Park Ranger
Open Daily, May through September. Displays discuss the history of the National Park Service.

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