Clock Graphic How Much Time To See Yellowstone?

In a more perfect world.

A nice length stay, for a first trip to Yellowstone, is about 4 days. It takes two LONG days to see most of the major roadside points of interest. Four days allows you to take your time exploring the roadside attractions and still gives you time to take a short hike or two.

If you only have one day or less.

If you only have one day try to pick one or two areas to spend most of your time and explore them thoroughly. By coupling this with an early morning or evening drive to spot wildlife you will get more out of your trip and have more fun than if you try to see the whole park. I've tried to see the whole park in one day. I was not successful and do not recommend it. For a one day tour I suggest exploring the Old Faithful area, The Fountain Paint Pots and The Canyon (see the page on must-sees).

If you only have a few hours.

If you are just driving through the park then stop and see Old Faithful erupt and then stop at the Fountain Paint Pot Trail and take the short walk.

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