The Old Faithful Wave

Crowd Approaching Old Faithful Geyser

This picture is from the WyoJones' Geyser Page. Permission for its use on this and only this WWW page was given by Greg Jones

A tip for avoiding the crowds around Old Faithful.

There are almost always large crowds sitting on the benches around Old Faithful waiting for it to erupt.

After the eruption everyone leaves at the same time creating a human tidal wave. This wave is noticeable throughout the geyser basin. Even at Morning Glory Pool, a 1.5 miles walk from the geyser, a MUCH smaller time-delayed wave is noticeable.

The wave is at its worst near the geyser. It is especially bad at the restrooms, Visitor Center, Old Faithful Inn and Lodge, Geyser Hill trail, the parking lot and for about 5 miles in either direction along the Grand Loop road. Probably one of the most aggravating places to get caught in the wave is on Geyser Hill.

There are a couple of ways to avoid the wave.

Being caught in the wave can be aggravating and has the potential of ruining your time in the geyser basin. Fortunately, once you are aware of the wave you can easily avoid it.

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