Fishing in Yellowstone

Fishing in Yellowstone
This picture is from the Virtual AdVentures web page.

I do not fish but here is what I know. The season runs from Memorial Day Weekend through the first Sunday of November. Not all areas are open at the same time. For instance, the Firehole river opens first, the Saturday before Memorial Day, and other streams and lakes open later in the season.

A $20 (1996) annual permit or $10 (1996) 10-day permit is required for those 16 and over. A free permit is required for those 12 to 15. The permits can be purchased at Ranger Stations, Visitor Centers, Hamilton Stores in the park and many stores in the gateway communities.

There are certain regulations that are unique to Yellowstone, such as no fish cooking in the geysers or on a more serious note that all lake trout caught in Yellowstone and Heart Lakes must be killed no matter what size they are. Lake trout are a non-native species in these lakes and are competing with the native species. On a more normal note, Yellowstone has a non-toxic fishing program. Only non-lead tackle is allowed. These and other regulations will be explained when you get your permit.

I have been told that the fishing can be great.

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