XBit provides an enhanced canvas widget, gcanvas, to display and edit map objects.  At the level of Tcl API, a gcanvas can be considered an extenstion of the original Tk canvas widget.  It supports all the generic item types and canvas commands that are implemented by the original Tk canvas.  In addition, a gcanvas has its unique features, including scalable viewport, polygon with holes, text rotation and rescale, scalable image item, graphic symbol, group item and map object.  To support antomatically label display, gcanvas provides commands for polygon centroid and line orientation calculations.  A gcanvas greatly optimizes its performance in displaying large maps by using specialized map objects and floating items.  

The following scripts show how to create a polygon with holes and how to automatically draw line-orientated and polygon-centroided text strings.

set canv .canv
gcanvas $canv -bg #DBDBAB
pack $canv -expand 1 -fill both 
font create f0 -family Times -slant roman

# draw a line
set id [$canv create line 10 10 40 40 80 60 120 80 160 90 180 100 240 140 240 220 -width 3]

# draw text strings along the line
foreach pindex {0.25 .45 0.68 0.9} {
    foreach {angle x y} [$canv langle $id $pindex] break
    $canv create gtext $x $y -text Text -font f0 -anchor s -escapement $angle
    $canv create gtext $x $y -text Text -font f0 -anchor n -escapement $angle

# create a polygon with two holes
set id [$canv create polygon 20 20 40 10 80 15 100 20 120 25 160 30 \
190 40 210 80 160 200 110 220 60 200 30 180 15 150 \
40 80 80 100 100 90 110 50 80 30 40 35 \
110 110 150 115 170 100 180 65 140 40 120 50 \
{13 6 6} -fill green -outline red]

# draw a text string at the polygon centroid 
set centroid [$canv centroid $id]
set x [lindex $centroid 0]
set y [lindex $centroid 1]
$canv create text $x $y -text "Polygon With Holes" -anchor n

The following scripts show how to create and display a map with a gcanvas widget, image and map (shape) objects.
# Creating one image object, globe and two map objects, contries and us (United States). 
# All are in longitude and latitude coordinate system {180W, 90N, 180E, 90S}
image create gimg globe -file globe.jpg -comb 1/2/3 -pal 8/8/4 -x0 -180 -y0 90 -dx 0.5625 -dy 0.5625
shape.create contries -file cntry94.shp
shape.create us -file states.shp

# Creating a gcanvas widget, defining the positive y pointing toward North and
# setting proper zoom factors and viewport coordinate origin.
gcanvas .map -mx 1.5 -my -1.5 -viewx -180 -viewy 90 -highlightthickness 0
pack .map -expand 1 -fill both

# Creating one scalable image item and two object items and display them in the canvas.
.map create image 0 0 -image globe -scalable 1
.map create object 0 0 -object contries -outline red
.map create object 0 0 -object us -outline green

# Choosing a viewport for a region of interest.
.map config -mx 8 -my -8 -viewxorigin -128 -viewyorigin 53

Scalable Viewport.  A gcanvas has a scalable viewport that pans, flips and magnifies its graphic display without changing the coordinates of the contained items.  Following is a typical viewport specification of a gcanvas:

gcanvas create gcanvPath -mx mx -my my -xvieworigin xo -yvieworigin yo
Options -mx and -my specify maganification factors in x axis and y axis respectively.  A negative magnification factor reverses the direction of the correspondent coordinate axis.  This feature is very useful since in many cases, a map's y axis points to north, which is opposite to the direction of the default canvas' y axis.  In addition, a gcanvas item may choose a proper value for an option of -scalable to decide if it should rescale its size when the viewport's magnification factors are changed.  Options -xvieworigin and -yvieworigin specify the origins used to convert world coordinates to viewport coordinates.  The translation equations are
xViewport = (xWorld - xo) * mx - xOrigin
yViewport = (yWorld - yo) * my - yOrigin
where xOrigin and yOrigin are controled by other gcanvas commands such as xview, yview and scan for scrolling canvas window.

Polygon with Holes.  A polygon item of a gcanvas supports multi-polygon specification.  This is done by extending the coordinate list to include both even and odd number of items.  Following is a typical multi-polygon item specification:

gcanvasPath create polgyon x0 y0 x1 y0... xn yn [{n0 n1... nk}]
If a coordinate list consists of an even number of values, it is considered a single polygon coordinate specification, which is compatible to the polygon type of the original Tk canvas.  If a coordinate list has an odd number of items,  the last item is considered a polygon vertex definition list consisting of one or more integers.  Each integer defines the number of vertices of a polygon sequencially specified in the previous coordinate list.  In addition, if a polygon's vertices are specified in a clock-wise order, it is considered as a normal polygon.  Otherwise it is considered as a hole within another polygon.

Text Rescale and Rotation.  A gcanvas supports a scalable text item, which will change its size when the viewport's magnification factors are changed.  To prevent a text string from changing its size, the value of the option -scalable should be set to 0.   In addition to a text item type, a gcanvas provides a gtext item type with three more options, -escapment, -orientation and -aspectratio.   Following is a typical gtext item specification with a 30 degree rotation angle and 0.6 aspect ratio:

gcanvasPath create gtext x y -texttext -escapement 30.0  -aspectratio 0.6 -orientation 0.0
Option -escapement specifies the angle between the text string's escapement vector and x axis.  Option -orientation speicfies the angle between each character's base line and x axis.  Option -aspectratio specifies the ratio between a character's width and height.  In Windows NT/2000/XP, when a gcanvas option -graphicsmode is set to 1 (i.e., Windows advanced graphics mode), option -escapement can be specified independently of options -orientation. When a gcanvas option -graphicsmode is set to 0 (i.e., Windows compatible graphics mode), option -escapement specifies both the escapement and orientation.  In Windows 95/98/Me the only available Windows graphics mode is compatible mode.  A gcanvas option -graphicsmode does not have any effect and nor does a gtext item option -orientation.  Option -escapement specifies both the escapement and orientation.

Scalable Image Item.  A gcanvas supports image items as a Tk canvas does with additional options -scalable and -magnifycommand.  These two options make an image item become automatically rescaled with gcanvas options -mx and -my.  To make a scalable image item, option -scalable should be configured as "1".  Option -magnifycommand specifies a call back Tcl command imageMagnifyCommand to magnify the image according to values of gcanvas options -mx and -my.  The call back command must have the following prototype: 

imageMagnifyCommand mx my
where mx and my will be appended to imageMagnifyCommand when it is invoked.  A default call back command is provided for an image item of gimg type, which is able to translate and zoom the image consistently to its map coordinates and scale. 

Symbol Item.  A symoble item is specified with an anchor point (x, y) and can be used to draw point related symbolic graphics.  A symbol item includes three different components, text, symbol and marker.  While the text component can be placed around the anchor point, the symbol and marker are centered at the anchor point.  Following is a typical symbol item specification:

gcanvasPath create symbol x y -text symbolText -symboltypesymbolType -markertypemarkerType
Option -text specifies a text string to be placed around the anchor point (x,y).  Option -symboltype specifies a type of symbol.  The currently supported symbol types are oval, rectangle, diamond and crosshair.  Option -markertype specifies a type of symoble marker.  The currently supported marker types are point and cross.

Group Item.  A group item is a container to combine other gcanvas items.  It can be used to draw customized map legends or decorations for map annotation.  Following script creates a group item at an anchor point (x, y) and adds an oval and a rectangle into it:

set id [gcanvasPath create group x y]
set gid0 [gcanvasPath group $id oval 20 20]
set gid1 [gcanvasPath group $id rectangle -20 -10 -40 10]
When adding an item into a group item, the coordinates of the added item are relative to the anchor point of the group item and the returned value is a local item id.  Following script deletes the added rectangle and reconfigurates the added oval:
gcanvasPath group $id delete $gid1
gcanvasPath group $id itemconfig $gid0 -fill red
Other commands of a group item are list, delete and coord for respectively listing child items, deleting a child item and returning/changing coordinates of a child item.

Object Item.  An object item is used for a gcanvas to access to XBit map objects that encapsulate geographic map data sets such as shape (.shp) files.  Following script creates an object item:

gcanvasPath create object x y -object xbitMapObject
XBit map objects have three types: POINT, LINE and POLYGON.  Each map object can contains hundreds and thousands of components packed in binary data bits.  It is very efficient to display a geographic map encapsulated in XBit map objects.  A gcanvas is not only a tool for map display but also a tool for map edit.  A gcanvas can disassemble a map object into primitve canvas items such as symbols, lines and polygons so that they can be edited and then reassembled back into a new map object.  Following Tcl commands respectively disassemble an object into primitive items and assemble specified items into an object
gcanvasPath disassemble xbitMapObject
gcanvasPath assemble xbitMapObject type id...
Optimized Display.   To efficiently display graphics, a gcanvas uses a cached double-buffer to reuse most of the displayed contents in a window update.  A gcanvas can minimize graphic resource allocation and setup by using specialized shape objects such as line and polygon layers in map display.  In addition, a gcanvas can configure a dynamic item (i.e., an item with changing size and coordinates) as floating so that its update will not damage the underneath contents in the cached double-buffer.  Therefore, displaying dynamic items over sophisticated map presentation can be greatly optimized.