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Hi All,
Yesterday was busy. We had an 8:15 dental appointment. The dentist was able to fix a spot on Jerry's plate that was digging into him without having to do a big change.
We went to Chillicothe and purchased a grave plot for the 2 of us. While we were at city hall I showed Paul the walk-through across the street and the named bricks that Jerry bought for us and his Mom and Dad. Then we went to Weber's funeral home. Talked to Buck. It is sort of like Mayberry RFD, but Jerry's Dad was buried from there and that is what he wants. We picked a casket and talked about arrangements. He gave us a very nice booklet. All of you ought to have something like this. It has space to list banks, insurance policies, etc. and would be really helpful when a death or serious incapacitation occurs. These things can happen to any of us at any time. Are my children listening?
All of us should plan ahead more. Buying our burial plot and making some decisions about final arrangements could have been a sort of fun thing to do a few months ago. We could have laughed about how we wouldn't need this for a long time and had a fun lunch together afterward. As it is, we did have lunch after, but the whole thing was sort of sad.
Paul was with us and in the middle of the funeral home thing was able to get ahold of John and arrange for him to come home. So he arrives today at 2 PM and goes back Sun, I believe.
After the funeral home Jerry wanted to see some old friends. We found 2 of them and he talked with each briefly. After lunch the owner of Hickory Stick (Janet you went to school with her, Chris W. She has your class graduation picture on the wall by the cash register) called a number of people trying to find the other person Jerry wanted to see. Finally located her at card club. She said she would be home about 4. We went to Louise's and had something to drink and her good homemade bread. I thought maybe Jerry would be rested enough to go back to Chilli at 4, but he was too tired so we went home.
This morning as we were getting dressed I remembered Buck saying he didn't want to be buried in a suit, so I asked Jerry what he wanted. We picked out one of his suits, a shirt, and tie. Shirt needs to be ironed, so I will give it to the next person who asks me what they can do. This morning when he got up he complained of nausea, but he has eaten now and gone with Paul to get the oil changed in the van. The van wouldn't start, they had to put the charger on it and took a little walk while it charged. I have to remember to drive it at least once a week. Jerry has a CAT scan this afternoon at 3 and then his first chemo tomorrow at 11.
Please continue to pray for us.
Love, Colleen/Mom