When Superheroes Attack!...

Jimminy cricket!

Not necessarily man's best friend but in most circles considered a docile animal, this cow went from a grass clipping range animal to a deadly beast in the blink of an eye. It began with a few insects but the cameraman shooting this footage had this grasshopper snatched right from his hand! Parents might want to shield their children's eyes since the mayhem only gets worse in our next segment.

As you can see, what started with a few locusts in the field has escalated to major blood-letting. This bovine menace has gone from insects to human blood in a matter of days. And as the man-eating cow runs roughshod over the countryside, the superheroes who would usually stamp out the menace are too busy fighting amongst themselves to protect the masses. Seen here in this exclusive footage, The Thing and The Hulk can't be sidetracked from their own grudge match to see to the poor victim who lies at their feet. Horrifying!

A taste for blood

>> Act III >>

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