Hornet One Liners

From hither and yon, gathered and presented herein for your edification...


"I am Microsoft of Borg. Resistance izkx
GPF 0x5654 8820
Application RESIST.EXE has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down."

Fudd of Borg: Ssssssh! Be vewwy, vewwy quiet... we're assimiwating wabbits!
Gilligan of Borg: Escape from the island is futile.
"I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be... MMMmmmm! Donuts!"
"I am Shakespeare 'o Borg: Thou art assimilated, my good man. Ye shall not resist, for that is futile."
Tigger of Borg: "ASSIMMILATING! That's what Tiggers do best!"
Daffy Duck of Borg: "Resistance is dithpicable!!"
Descartes of Borg: "I assimilate, therefore I am."
Donahue of Borg: "Go ahead and assimilate, caller..."
Ed McMahon of Borg: "You may already be assimilated!"
Flintstone of Borg: "You will be yabbadabbassimilated."
Hamlet, Prince of Borg: "Prepare to be.. or not to be..."
Henny Youngman of Borg: "Assimilate my wife, please!"
"Hey man, I'm Bart of Borg. Who the hell are you?"
Porky Pig of Borg: Prepare to be as... assa... assim... I'm taking over.
Ferengi-Borg: Insert Coin for assimilation...
"Hi! My name is Borg. How may I assimilate you?"
"I am Pentium of Borg. Arithmetic is irrelevant. Division is futile. You WILL be approximated."
McCoy of Borg: He's assimilated, Jim!
John Lennon of Borg: Imagine all the people... assimilated.
Bones of Borg: "He's assimilated, Jim."
Bashir of Borg: Prepare to be... did anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes?
Dr. Smith of Borg: Resistance is futile, you bubble-headed booby!
Julius Caesar of Borg: Veni, vidi, assimilavi.
Borg Law: "Prepare to be litigated. Your case is irrelevant."
"I am William Shatner of Borg... and this is... Assimilation 911!"
Bugs Bunny of Borg: "What's up, Collective?"
"I am Trebek of Borg. For $200, it's futile and starts with R. "
"I am AOL of Borg. Connection is irrelevant. Modem will be assim +++ NO CARRIER"
I am O'Brien of Borg. You will be assimilated as soon as I finish fixing this bloody assimilation machine...
I am Bill Gates of Borg. You HAVE been assimilated. You just don't know it yet.
Darth Vader of Borg: You will be assimilated. It is your desssssstiny.
Paul McCartney of Borg: Resistance is futile -- let it be, let it be, let it be.
BorgerKing: We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant.
Khan of Borg: From hell's heart I assimilate thee...
Joan Rivers of Borg: You will be assimilated, but first, can we talk?
Microsoft of Borg: The superiority of other products is irrelevant.
John Wayne of Borg: You will be assimilated, pilgrim.
Mick Jagger of Borg -- I can't get no, (pause) assimilation.
Burns of Borg: Smithers! Assimilate them!
LuxemBORG: The European Community is irrelevant.
"We are Pakled of Borg. We ah-sim-ah-late. We are strong."
Scotty of Borg: We canna assimilate no more kaptin.
Humphrey Borgart of Borg: You will be assimilated. Maybe not here. Maybe not now. This could be the start of a beautiful collective.
"I am Rubik of Borg, and the cube was MY idea. "
Andy Rooney of Borg: Ever wonder why resistance is futile?
"I am Bill Gates of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will drop your decent OS and install mine. Stability and freedom are irrelevant. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward you will service, us. "
JFK of Borg: Ask not what the collective can do for you, but what you can do for the collective.
Shatner of Borg: *You*...Will...Be...Assimilated!
"I am Captain Jellico of Borg. You will be assimilated. But first, get that fish out of my ready room."
Troi of Borg: Your chocolate will be assimilated.
"I am Heisenborg. You will probably be assimilated."
Dirty Harry of Borg: Go ahead, resist us. Make my day.
Clinton of Borg: "Prepare to be assimilated, not inhaled."
Rambo of Borg: Resistance is the desease. We are the cure.
Borg Spreadsheet: Locutus 1-2-3.
#1 on the BORG Hit Parade: We all sleep in a single subroutine.
#2 on the Borg Hit Parade: Borg in the USA.
#3 on the Borg Hit Parade:Assimilate me tender - Elvis of Borg.
Borg Starter Kit: some assimilation required.
The Borg assimilated my race, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.
Groucho Borg: That's the silliest thing I ever assimilated.
HersheyBORG: Wrappers are futile. Chocolate will be assimilated.
Quark of Borg: You will be assimilated. But with the right amount of gold pressed latinum, I can overlook your resistance.
Clinton of Borg: "Hillary says resistance is futile! "
Sinatra of Borg: Start spreading the news. We're assimilating today. You will be a part of it: the Borg, the Borg.
Ginsu of Borg: "You will be assimilated - but WAIT! There's MORE!"
The Borg: Calm, Cool and Collective.
Borg Answering Machine Message:

But we're not home right now. So leave a message at the tone
and we'll assimilate you later.

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Ensign Dracula? He's undead, Jim.

Ensign Pillsbury? He's bread, Jim.
Jim Beam me up, Scotty!
He's ALIVE, Jim! Where did I go wrong?
He's dead, Jim. I'll get his tricorder and you get his wallet.
He's dead, Jim. Kick him if you don't believe me.
He's dead, Jim. Tell the Klingons that dinner is served.
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Jim Beam me up, Scotty!

"I! Finally! Figured! Out! How! To! Punctuate! Kirk's! Sentences!"
"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes."
How many Vulcans does it take to screw in a light bulb? Precisely 1.000000
Beam me a board, Scotty!
A 2 x 4, sir?
"Byte me"
Confused? Call Counselor Troi, 1-900-NCC-1701... $1.95 a minute.
Energize... Hey! Where'd that bunny come from??
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