Eric baca

Cine 362





This project is a slice of a much larger project which I will complete for my senior year. This project will be done in 3d using various techniques in 3d geometry building and also texture mapping. The project will be animated in 3d through the standard method of keyframing my different characters within the scene. For the majority of the project my characters will all be constructed within the program softimage 3d I will animate the project using this software as well. My characters were all prepped for animation using standard bone layout with the Inverse kinematic principle used to animate.

For this leg of the project we are focusing on one scene basically the ending scene. For this Animation the story is that a Man who owns a forest cabin discovers that his cabin is dangerously close to a Migo base. The monsters called migo are these strangely constructed bug like creatures which are actually a type of over evolved fungi. Originating from pluto (To them Yuggoth) they are attempting to mine the earth for a strange mineral. This Poor mans cabin happens to be right next to one of these mining facilities and they do not want any tresspassers so they decide to deal with him in their own unique way. He comes to his cabin and finds a strange cloaked figure in his living room which tells him in a strange buzzing voice that he has trespassed and he must pay. For this part of project we will be only concentrating on the final scene in which the Migo have already captured this man and are preparing to deal with him. They do not believe in death so they will merely remove him from the equation in which they remove his brain and keep it alive until there operations are finished in the area.

Of course the process of removing someones brain while they are concious and keeping them alive in such a state can be more than alittle damaging. In this animation the Migo Scientists
are preparing for the operation as the man is slammed down onto a steel table. The Migo scientist uses a glowing laser pen to neatly open his brain pan and remove his brain, spinal cord and Eyeballs all of which are still attached they then place him in a jar with a microphone in it. The final shot is a cloudy one from inside the jar in which Gary can see his hollowed out body being Wheeled away. Yet he is only able to scream in a muffled way because he only has a small microphone attached to his brain for voice output. I have always been interested in horror stories so I understand this animation might alittle different than ones you might be used to I could be wrong in this in which case its neither here nor there. This is the project that I'm going to be working on for the end of this semester and above I gave a very breif overview of what the major aim of the project is. If you have any recommendations please let me know.