Renewing His Creation

by Alyza

According to scientists, the atom itself should not exist, since the electrically similar protons repulsion of each other is stronger than the force of gravity so the nucleus of an atom should fly apart. Since it does not, the scientists theorize that there must be what they term "the strong force", a previously unknown force, keeping the protons and thus the atom together. My reply to that is "He Who illuminates the earth and those who dwell upon it, with compassion; and in His goodness renews daily, perpetually, the work of creation." (p 409 in "The Complete Artscroll Sidur"), or as it says in Talmud, Chagigah 12b "... renews every day the works of creation...". Thus it is HaShem Himself who provides the strong force, just as it is, in my belief, He who is the provider for the direction the universe went in its formation, as He commanded them "Let the earth bring forth...".

This brings to mind something my mentor and teacher Rabbi Moshe Berger said just recently. It is about the kedusha, specifically "kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, HaShem tzivakot" (yes, I purposfully spelled it that way). He taught that first of all, it should be more properly translated "Holy, holy, holy is HaShem, master of hosts" since HaShem is never in construct form and tzivakot means all by itself master of hosts. He also explained that that means G-d is the master of all things, from the smallest to the largest, from the minutia to the big picture. (If I have left anything out, it is my fault alone and not the teachers).

After he told us that, having prepared my lesson for my physical science class -- yes, I actually teach science -- I meantioned to him about the strong force and the atom and felt that it was connected to G-d being the master of even the small things. He liked the idea of G-d being a truely strong force. The more I run it through my mind, the more I like it too, and the sustaining of creation quote just adds to it.

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