Name of School:

My School: 

Smallville High

Team Members: 

Darth Vader, Spiderman, and Superman


Site:  Jacksonville

Week:  June 10-14


Problem or Challenge: What’s wrong with the picture?

Students do not have the opportunity to develop computer skills because of the lack of equipment.  Mr. Freeze has frozen all funding.





Goal(s): What is your utopia?


Purchase enough equipment for all students to have access

Provide staff development for all staff in the use of the equipment

Develop technology-rich integrated activities

As future superheroes, eliminate evil and ignorance from the world.

Drivers: What’s your motivation?                Puzzle Pieces: What’s holding you back?

To improve student achievement

Lack of time

To develop student skills with

Lack of equipment


Lack of skill with the equipment






Putting the Puzzle Together: Each puzzle piece needs an action step.


Administrator: (Duties/Role)

What                                       When

Seek funding sources

Staff development       after school

Schedule planning time with

Integrated planning time

Technology resource specialist


Make invincible superhero costumes.

Progress Indicators:             When











Teacher: __________________________

