The Llamas #1

Llary, Llinda, Lleon, and Llisa are a peaceful family of llamas. They live on farm in the southern United States. Llary is the man of the house and works on the farm everyday. Llinda is your typical stay at home mom who helps around the farm when she has time. Lleon and Llisa are going in to 6th grade, but Lleon is a year older because he got held back in the first grade due to a heart condition.

One day in late August Llisa and Lleon were walking to their first day of class when they saw something move to their left, quite a ways off the path. Lleon immediately jumped off the path and went to look what it was, Llinda hesitantly followed. They ran over and realized that it was their friend Aaron the aardvark. When they reached him, Aaron said that he was going swimming and that they should skip school and join him. Lleon was excited and thought it was a good idea but Llisa needed some convincing before she decided to tag along.

It was a long walk to the lake and they were getting scrapes on their legs from trotting through the shrubs. When they got to the lake they realized that it looked like it was going to rain. Llisa decided that if they were going to swim they better make it fast. They ran across the beach to the water but as soon as they stepped hoof in the water they heard thunder and ran back to Aaron�s shelter.

Back at Aaron's shelter they decided to turn on the TV. The first thing they saw was the news, apparently at the school there was a big give away, sponsored by the local electronics store, and everyone there got prizes. Lleon and Llisa jumped up and ran to the school but by the time they got there the prizes were all gone and Llary and Llinda had been called about their absence.

Llary now escorted Lleon and Llisa to school everyday, making sure no mischievous aardvarks lurking nearby were trying to stop them. Lleon and Llisa had to do countless chores around the house and could not go out with friends for many weeks. They lost their parents trust and missed out on many prizes just because they skipped one day of school. Lleon and Llisa vowed to never again skip school.