Link and the Tomb of Courage
By Kyle V

Link's sword clashed against the mighty hammer in Ganon's hand. The huge hammer flew from Ganon's black hands. Link looked into it's evil eyes and saw a dark reflection of himself.

Ganon's eyes felt as if they were stabbing Link in the heart. Link staggered back. Ganon reached behind his back and pulled out a long blade that was a perfect rival for the Master Sword. He held it over his head, moments passed and nothing happened. Suddenly Ganon twisted his wrist and the sword flew in a curve pattern towards Link! Quickley Link fell to the ground barely missing the long reach of the blade. However Ganon was quick to rebound his assault with a horizontal slash, this sliced Link's arm open. Link stood up with his hand sqeezing the arm in hopes of stopping the immense pain. Ganon laughed and took another swing, luckily Link moved out of the way.

Ganon once again looked into Link's eyes, Ganon could see his fear and pain, for that was what he fed on. The suffering of others brought joy to his twisted heart. Ganon raised his arms above his head and started to talk in a mysterious language: He, Fo, Lun, Urha, Kai, Lu...

A gigantic beam of light burst through Ganon's stomach and flew into Link's body. Link staggered back and forth, he felt dizzy. After what seemed like hours of pain, Link blacked out...

Link opened his eyes and sat up. His arm was healed and he felt a lot better, however he was curious on how he survived. Link looked around at his surroundings, he was in some kind of temple, there where markings all over the walls and the floor was covered with dusty tiles. Link looked at the walls closely, the mysterious symbols started to form into words:
Today I decided to sleep in, but I was awoken by a fairy, this fairy told me that I was needed, that day I awoke as a hero...Ganon, Zelda...Tri, Tri, He.
This sentance made very little sense but it scared him, the first part described a day that some how feeled familiar, but Link had never met a fairy, nor did he know that they exsisted. Link moved over to the next wall, it also had a phrase:
Ha, What a weirdo, he had more masks than a jester, like the moon is really going to fall. Oh how I hate being wood...Them?, lun.
This made no sense these images were all familiar to Link yet he had never had any memories like this until now.

The last wall was less creepy, it was a jumble of words that made no sense whatsoever, Link carefully read them:
He who urha...defeat kai, to save...rescue, protect the tri. Lu!
Link suddenly realized the fourth wall had disappeared, the room was now a triangle, what was going on? Then Link remembered the words Ganon said, they were all mixed into the walls, Link then repeated the phrase Ganon had said. This caused the walls to glow yellow, Link looked down, the floor was yellow too! The room started to shake and the floor rised making a giant three dimensional triangle that glowed yellow, it then shrinked until it could fit in Link's hand.

Link looked around, he was in yet another room shaped like a triangle, but this time there were no pictures, or clues just the small golden triangle on the floor, Link grabbed the triangle and put it in his pocket, suddenly a gigantic worm burst through the floor of the room, Link stared at it in shock. The worm lunged at him, Link rolled out of the way and took out his sword, The worm lunged at him again! This time Link countered with a slice from his sword causing green ooze to leak from the worms mouth.

The worm moaned in pain as it melted into a pool of green ooze on the floor. Link felt relief flow through his body. Then the ooze started to shake and bubble, Link watched it as it turned yellow and grew, it covered the walls and floor causing them to shrink. The room was getting smaller and smaller, Link feared he was going to be crushed. The walls splashed and bubbled, Link closed his eyes fearing his demise...nothing happened. Link opened his eyes and found himself in another different triangle shaped room.

This time the room was filled with bones and torn up corpses of monsters and humans alike, there was also another triangle on the floor, Link picked it up and put it in his pocket with the other one. Link stood quietly waiting for another clue, there was nothing but the rotting corpses. Link hated dead bodies, in fact they where his least favourite thing in the world, they are the reason he was here int he first place.

A few days ago Link was a normal guy doing his normal everyday activities when a dark shadow emerged from the mountains, this shadow was Ganon, nobody thought much of it, the next day Link got up and everybody had died due to a mysterious cause, bodies littered the dark land, Link trudged through the bodies to Ganon's tower in hopes of getting revenge, but only ended up here in this awful dungeon. Link wondered why he had been spared, but knew it must have had something to do with this dungeon.

Suddenly Link heard music in his head, it was a peaceful quiet tune, he began to hum it quietly, this tune relaxed him and the pain of facing his fears diappeared, Link felt totally relaxed. He was so relaxed that the bodies glowed as it they where gold. Link danced and continued to sing the song, the golden bodies meted creating more liquid gold which covered the entire room like it had done before. Link closed his eyes for a few moments and opened them, he was atop Ganon's tower where he had been fighting before entering the mysterious dungeon. Below his feet was a third triangle, he picked it up and put it in his pocket, he was out of the dungeon.

Suddenly Ganon lunged at Link, Ganon's eyes where as dark as ever as he swung his sword at Link who countered all of the mighty swings, Link was petrified as Ganon slowly lured him to the edge of the tower, suddenly Link remembered the words, he said the words over and over, Ganon's eyes began to become brighter,but he showed no halt in his attack, Link rolled out of Ganon's way, Ganon turned around to face Link only to be stabbed in the stomach causing blood to leak out, Link removed the sword from Ganon's stomach, Ganon's eyes where now a light grey, Ganon laughed at Link. Link watched in terror as he started to grow bigger and bigger. Then Link remembered the song, he hummed the simple lyrics and Ganon bean to shrink smaller and smaller until he was his normal size, Link then realized what the tianges where, they were pieces of the Triforce of Courage, and he found them in the depths of his own mind. Link put the triangles together forming the Triforce of courage whcih caused a huge ray of light to surround Ganon. Ganon's eyes became white, his body was filled with light. Ganon collapsed causing a ray of light to cover all of Hyrule.

Once the light had cleared everything was the way it was before Ganon arrived meaning nobody knew what Link had done. Link on the other hand would never forget his trip into the tomb of courage, which turned out to be his own mind which contained memories of heros past and future, he knew that when and if Ganon returned, there would always be a hero with enough courage to rise above all others, face his fears, and banish evil from Hyrule.