Zodiac Raze

Let the Game Begin! (scroll down to 'Zodiac Raze Related')


well boardnation screwed up...noone...and i mean NO ONE can get to it...even me. so yeah boardnation screwed. so yeah...no more zraze until stupid boardnation decides to wake up from the dead again.


I will make a real good layout for this soon.
Anyway, more and more players are joining and the contest is really starting to get big!! hope this keeps up


The board is finished...go here to participate in the contest NOW!


okay it's gonna be brand new and i want NO COPYING.

here's how you play:

each zodiac sign gets a page of its own, and they have to post some records of theirs that they have broken...like got most birthday gifts or something. the zodiac sign with the most records broken win.

and to make sure NO ONE CHEATS you will all submit the records from the ones you have broken ONLY on a message board for this contest. but i haven't made it yet :p

if you want to keep updated on how the contest is doing so far with the layout and content...check back here often! C-A-M-R-E-N