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Welcome to my realm of stupidity and pointless being.

5/29/02-  Just got a little lazy lately. Don't expect mucho updates til like the end of June when school is out. 4 regents. :O

5/24/02-  ::Yawn:: Its 1:20am.  I just got finished updating the site for like 3 hours.  Added some javascript games and some other neat things.  Tomorrow, I'll work on the links section, develop the articles section, and get the contact button to operate.  Peace~

5/22/02-  I spent an hour on the links section.  I saved it and went to post it up only to find the page completely messed up.  I hate geocities and html in general!  I made a quick poll.  Just really want your reactions.  Sometime later I guess I'll add a guestbook for the hell of it.  Pissing me off stupid website!

5/21/02- Ah finally felt like updating.  Anyway this is what has been going on.  I got back from the Big Game sunday.  My gun messed up a lot, but none other less it was still fun.  I got some pics I need to get scanned by someone.  I actually got hit in the camera.  Kinda rough heh.  The link section will be up shortly.  Also I'm pleased to support Jimmy Drake in every way.  What he wrote should not of been held accountable in school considering that Late Night Shows constantly 'rip' on celebrities including our own president!  Any ways I see Rhia's judge completely unfair.  Rhia your a bitch!  There suspend me!  hah.  Copone, on the other hand had his problems with cablevision.  He's in trouble for using his optimum online account for hosting his website which is illegal unless you use their commercial plan, not their personal one.  Rhia was up to her evil ways again.  She like suspended anyone "violating" the dress code.  She is a ruthless dictator!  Bring back Buxton because she did nothing, said nothing and in that way made us all happy.  If you are in the Principal's club you should be shot for being involved with this sketchy leader erm principal.  All this writing knocks some sense in my mind.  Can anyone say articles section?  I'll try to get one up soon.  Submit your own articles to stotic@email.com.   Well I'll get the links up now or around now.  I got that bio review class like right now and tons of homework tonight.  P.S. talk on my bullet board (forum, message board have you whatever) so I don't feel so lonely.  ;)  Stotic, out.

5/17/02- Hey guys, I finally got the images working with a little help from a friend. (thx jenny ;)).  Well in this upcoming week I plan on filling up this website in what I like to call "depth."  Of course most of you know about EI HS's senior food fight.  Someone got some pics and video in.  Check it out here.  Also I know all my fellow paintballers' are looking foward to Sunday's Big Game at Coram.  Hope to see you all there at the best event of the year!  Sorry got a little emotional there ;).  What else to mention.....  Oh yeah!  I started a private fantasy baseball league on yahoo.  Contact me on aim or so to sign up.  Please at least have some general knowledge about fantasy sports and MLB players.  Thats it for now I guess.  Stotic, out.

This site is in no size shape or form copyright nor do we intend to copyright. I could care less, but if you do steal from my site I will be forced to smack you across the face, loop around the back of your head then slap you across your face for one more consecutive time. Thank you, that is all.

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