Zoe Marshall
Yahoo! Chat
Yahoo! Clubs
My pics
I am a 13 yr old girl living in Adelaide in South Australia. You can see what I look like in my Pic.
I love swimming and netball. I am a Teen Model. I love modelling and will do anything to be one.
I have an older brother and 2 younger sisters. Mat is 15 and Sarah is 11 and Mary is 9. My Dad is an School Teacher and Mum used to be a model and now does family day care. I made Yahoo ID's for my sisters. Mary's is mary_zoe_sis and Sarah's is sarah_zoe_ziz. I sorta messed up Sarah's a bit. that is their email and messenger ID. i sorta showed them a bit how to use it but they think chattin is cool to. I will try to get pics of them soon to.