Starring Lori Cardille, Joe Pilato, Terry Alexander, Gary Klar, Ralph Marerro, Howard Sherman, Richard Liberty.

Day of the Dead marks the final instalment of the dead trilogy. The world is now consumed by by zombies. The living dead out number the humans by an estimated 400,000 to 1. Government does not exist, laws do not exist, society does not exist.

The story opens up with four people in a helicopter searching for any survivors in an unknown town in Florida. Running into nothing but 10,000 moaning zombies, they decide to leave and the crew flies back to an underground bunker. A group of scientists and US army soldiers have been using an underground missile silo as their haven.

This band of soldiers and scientists was put together by the US government in order to find a cure. The scientist have been studying the zombies and the soldiers are here to protect them and their work. Unfortunately, no new information has been found and tensions in the complex are growing.

The military men are lead by captain Rhodes, a tyrannical iron-fisted man who wants nothing to do with studying zombies. Rhodes is on the brink of just up and leaving the operation and support for him is growing amoung the soldiers.

The scientists are lead by Sarah, a strong-willed, yet fragile woman, whom herself is consumed by a desire to erradicate the zombie plague.

Most of the movie is the building up of a show down between the soldiers and the scientists. When Rhodes finds out that a certain doctor named Logan is feeding his men to pet zombies, Rhodes flips out and starts executing the goodguys!

In the end, when the zombies get loose in the complex (let in by a disgruntled soldier), the race is on to see who can get to the helicopter first and fly away to a deserted island.

I recently purchased the Day of the Dead collectors edition and was quite pleased. It is in letter box format and contains a 30 second teaser trailer and behind the scenes footages, some of which includes stuff with Joe Pilato. Quite cool.

  • The Characters!
  • Cool Quotes!
  • Movie Memorabilia!
  • Commentary from Millard Rouche