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Pronounciation: There are four tones in Chinese, and I have sought to represent them using punctuation.
"-" > The first tone is an even high note, like singing "la-"
"?" > The second tone is a sharp rise, like asking a question, or "huh?"
"..=.." > The third tone is a dip and a rise, like agreeing to someone with a "mm-hmm"
"!" > The fourth tone is a sharp drop, like "hey! You!"

Zhong Go

pronounciation: "zone- go=o"

Chinese Character: "Loyal Dog"

Animal: Zodiac #11

The dog is an integral part of traditional Chinese living. Dogs are the stern guardians, and Chinese legends are not short in heroic canine rescues.

Zhong Go in his animal form

First Appearance: 2_9

Major Appearances:

End of Chapter 2, as the guardian of the temple and the sword.
Beginning of ChaptChapter 3where he is placed under confinement due to his previous failure.
Begining of Chapter 5 5, where he chats with Feng and gets harrassed by Ao.


True to his name, Zhong Go is loyal and serious. His duty was the guard the temple from which Mao tried to steal the sword. He also has a few dogs to help with his duty.
Quiet and unassuming, loyal and solemn, Zhong Go is easy to get along with. The traditional top-bun is an add for some, but a minus for others. Bishie-ness: ****


pronounciation: "gee-"

Chinese Character: "Hen/Rooster" (same character)


The rooster summons the sun, so therefore the head rooster has a special relationship with the sun. The hen hatches eggs and is known for protectiveness

First Appearance: 3_3

Major Appearances:

Beginning of Chapter 4, where she serves tea to Zhong Go and chats with him.


I suppose Ji was intended as a nice pairing with Zhong Go. Zhong Go feels relaxed when with Ji, who just quietly listens and serves tea. Too bad she's cut from the cast, but then, more single bishie gods for the rest of us, right?


pronounciation: "hoe?"

Chinese Character: "Monkey"


The monkey is lively and fun-loving. The most famous monkey of all is of course the Monkey King from Journey to the West, but monkeys in general are clever and nimble. There is a saying that "When the Tiger isn't in, the Monkey is the king." So in the power heirarchy, Monkey is right after Tiger.

Hou's facial markings.

First Appearance: 3_29

Major Appearances:

Beginning and Middle of Chapter 4, masterminding (?) the Mao-capture plan and fighting Tony.
Middle of Chapter 5, narrator.
Beginning of Chapter 6, helping at Shenju and talking with the shrimp emmisary
Middle/End of Chapter 7, sending in monkeys to help with the cleanup of the shrimp. (very cute)


Hou appears to be a sweet-natured street-wise kid who gets along with everybody. Mao, who won't talk to any of the other Zodiac, is willing to talk to him, so they seem to have a good friendship developing. Hou is also very active and full of energy, always running hither and thither.
Sweet and easy-going, active and fun, although a bit inexperienced in handling some matters, he definitely has the sharp mind to handle things. Bishie-ness: ***


pronounciation: "yi! ma=a"

Chinese Character: "Honorable Horse"


The Horse is often considered a regal animal, especially white horses. The most treasured type of horse is called the "thousand-li horse", reputed to be able to run a thousand li's in a day (about 300 miles).

First Appearance: 4_2, next to Hou.

Major Appearances: He helps in the Mao-capture effort.


He has been cut from the cast. But he was originally intended to be a friend of Kuang Hu, which would have been a nice smiling, calming force to balance out Kuang Hu's angst.
He looks like a milder Tony. Don't know much else about him. ;_;


pronounciation: "shuh?"

Chinese Character: "Snake"


The snake doesn't take on as negative a role as in Western culture. Sure, they can be evil, but there are plenty of good snakes who gain enough power to transform to humans and help mankind. Snakes are usually given their proper respect as an animal to be treated with caution. There is also a saying, "to catch a snake, grab his seventh inch". Chinese snakes are the most afraid of Xiong Huang, which I think is sulfur, but I'm not sure.

the Snake's out of the bag

First Appearance: 4_2

Major Appearances:

Beginning of Chapter 4, to comment on paintings, help in the Mao-capture and the Tony fight.
Beginning of Chapter 6, helping Zhu with the restaurant and sticking around for the shrimp emissary.


Very distinctive with his stark black turtleneck and eye shadow, Sher is what he first entered as: a goth artist. He's always around to drawl out comments, and seems to be on good terms with Zhu. He is also the only Zodiac who has appeared in his animal form.
Detached and eccentric with the Trowa hair, Bishie-ness: ***


pronounciation: "zhu-"

Chinese Character: "Pig"


The Pig isn't viewed any differently as the Western view: a lazy, hungry piece of uncooked pork. Sad, isn't it.

First Appearance: 4_2

Major Appearances:

Beginning of Chapter 4, to help with Mao's capture. Middle of Chapter 5, as owner of the restaurant Shenju.


A sweet, quiet girl, and the only one of the zodiac with glasses. She is probably very good cook and a capable manager, as she runs the restaurant ShenJu, the Zodiac hangout place. She is cheerful and a good companion to the idiosyncratic Sher.


pronounciation: "may! shu=u"

Chinese Character: "Devilish Rat"


The Rat is the thief in the dark, the sly cheater. He is clever, yes, but never for good.

First Appearance: 5_32

(I discounted the appearance when Tony fought Hou in Chapter 4, because I think that's more of a Tony-Meishuu alliance than pure evil Meishuu)

Major Appearances:

End of Chapter 5, in trippy dream sequence.


Baddie-Bishie -- what else needs to be said? He is like an older and badder Tony, with long hair. You know, one of those the-result-is-all-that-matters, don't-mess-with-me, smirky type people. However, there is probably a softer side to him, alluded to by Mao at the end of Chapter 6, "[Meishuu] always had so much to say. Never had a way to say it."
It's Tony with long hair, a smirk, and elegance. Reminds me of Akio for some reason. Bishie-ness: *****


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