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Pronounciation: There are four tones in Chinese, and I have sought to represent them using punctuation.
"-" > The first tone is an even high note, like singing "la-"
"?" > The second tone is a sharp rise, like asking a question, or "huh?"
"..=.." > The third tone is a dip and a rise, like agreeing to someone with a "mm-hmm"
"!" > The fourth tone is a sharp drop, like "hey! You!"

Kuang Hu

pronounciation: "kwon? who=o"

Chinese Character: "Wild Tiger"


Kuang Hu is probably a Siberian tiger or perhaps a Chinese tiger. For the Chinese, the tiger is the king of the mountain, and shows that by the character "king" on its forehead.
Kuang Hu in animal form
Kuang Hu in animal form.
However, Kuang Hu's animal form doesn't have the "King" character. Rather, his forehead has a bowl shape and a dot. There are also two streaks on each cheek. The character "Hu" appears on his rump. ^_^

First Appearance: 3_4

Major Appearances:

End of Chapter 3, saying, "No one touches Mao but me",
Middle of Chapter 4, first playing with strings, then talking with Long.
Beginning of Chapter 5, releasing Mao and scolding her.
Middle of Chapter 6, one page Mao flashback
Beginning of Chapter 7, coming to save the day


Kuang Hu initiates the zodiac action to bring Mao back into "custody", He is the tormented brother who wants to keep his sister safe, but is restricted by existing decrees. The only way to keep her safe is to keep her from provoking the gods. Sort of a wild card, he believes he knows what's best for Mao. Mao seems to have a few grudges against Kuang Hu, alluding to him "not coming back," so she isn't all too eager for her brother's meddling in her affairs.
Dark and angsty, with the goatee and the spiked hair. Extremely yummy and muscular arms. Bishie-ness: *****


pronounciation: "lone?"

Chinese Character: "Dragon"


Chinese Dragon: unlike Western dragons, the Chinese dragon looks like a scaled serpent with four chicken feet (technically, legs of lion, claws of eagle, scales of fish, horns of deer, mane of lion, head of ox). They are responsible for sending rain and technically each large body of water houses corresponding dragon. The dragon holds a special place in Chinese culture, being the luckiest and most powerful mythical creature, emperors have always used it as a reference to themselves. Chinese also pride themselves in being "descendents of dragons." ^^;;

First Appearance: 4_21

Major Appearances:

Middle of Chapter 4, where he speaks with Kuang Hu on the bridge, then makes the intros.
Beginning of Chapter 5, in a discussion/meeting of the four gods.
Beginning of Chapter 6, planning a meeting with the Jade Emperor and accessing the situation.


Long is the leader of the protagonist faction of the Zodiac. He even has a convertible to cart around the kids! He is also the principle liason to the Jade Emperor, and has a significant office job in the Heavenly Court. (He gets his own building, for heavens' sakes). According to Kuang Hu, he "brought up" Meishuu, so Meishuu is his responsibility just as Mao is Kuang Hu's.
Normally whimsical and cheesy, he can be really serious when he wants to. The convertible's also a big plus. Too bad Feng snagged him already. Bishie-ness: ***


pronounciation: "phone!"

Chinese Character:

"Pheonix" (The one on the left is Feng, the male counterpart. the one on the right is Huang, the female counterpart)


The Chinese pheonix is a mythical creature that brings good luck. Naturally immortal, it does not undergo the rebirth cycle of Western Pheonixes. Although there are both male and female pheonixes, the pheonix is usually paired up with the dragon to bring twice the joy and luck. Since the Chinese emperor is often referred to as the dragon, the empress is the pheonix.

Feng with his wings out. *Not* animal form.

First Appearance: 5_1

Major Appearances:

Beginning of Chapter 5, where he is sitting in for Long at his office. Gets harrassed by Ao's appearance.
Middle/End of Chapter 7, where he helps with the rescue and takes of his shirt. (::drool::)


Not much is known about Feng right now. He and Long are a couple, and given the nature of the Feng Huang, he can probably change into a she. (For evidence, look at Tochi's "original art"). He is the only one of the gods with physical wings. Good-natured and friendly, he and Long make a good pairing.
Although cute as a guy, Feng's girl-ness and the already established relationship knocks off a few points. However, his unique wings give him a boost. Bishie-ness: ***


pronounciation: "ow?"

Chinese Character: "Sea Turtle"


The legendary Ao is the largest of the Sea Turtles, and can control the seas as well as the Long, although it doesn't participate in the management of the seas as Long does. Ao is a very independent animal, although it does obey the commands of the Jade Emperor.

First Appearance: 5_2

Major Appearances:

Beginning of Chapter 5, he arrives at Long's office to harrass Feng and Zhong Go. Then sweeps off to arrange "revolution".
Beginning of Chapter 6, he placed a "curse" on Mao, "Feng-Shui"'d Tony's room, and tried to create alliance with Tony.
Middle/End of Chapter 7, angry over the shrimp attack failure and doing more plotting in his North Sea home.


Ao is like the foil of Long. They have many similarities. For example, both enter with a cheesy joke, and both have a special relationship with Meishuu. One was the good influence, one was the bad. Ao likes to take things into his own hands, and has his own way of getting the job done. Not necessarily evil, he just has a different world view and opinion.
Ao rules the North Sea, and therefore has a substantial force to challenge the Zodiac in his attempt to bring back Meishuu. So far we've seen his shrimp cadets, as well as a secretary. For transportation, the shrimp ride sea birds in the air, and sting rays under water.


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