Day 47- Sorry there aren’t any updates for the last couple days, but I have been extremely busy with midterms, and just couldn’t pay enough attention to Dave to write diaries. But now that classes are back to normal, so is Dave… wait, he’s back to Caarraaaaazyyyyy!!!! Last night, he kept me up for a solid half hour talking about his favorite japanimation website, let me see if I remember this right, That might be right. I was more in tune to how I was going to close Dave’s mouth if he didn’t shut the hell up. But check it out, this is Dave’s primo shit. Today, while getting dinner before our big game (Trunk-But-6: 21, Sharpies: 18), I noticed Dave walking into the cafeteria, but then lost track of him. I picked him back up when he was going to sit down… over by the window… behind a big column… by himself. Aaaawwww. Steve got up and told him to eat with us. Dave remained quiet for most of dinner, but put in his two cents when the topic turned to whether Cuba Gooding, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Omar Gooding are all related (The answer is yes by the way, Kenan). Dave chimed in, “Well they look alike (Cuba Jr. and Omar), so I guess they’re related.” Dave and his racist rhetoric. Saying all African-Americans look alike and therefore must be related. The bigot. I wouldn’t be surprised if he voted for David Duke in the upcoming governor’s election. But craziness like this is just commonplace for Crazy Dave.