Hi, welcome to the "Some things to think about" section.  This part is made exclussivly by Doug W. Feel free to e-mail me.  In this section I will have the latest news stories, and my interpretation of them.  I will try to update this section at least weekly, or whenever something of importance occurs.

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The Golan Heights and Syria- I feel very strongly that Israel should keep control of the Golan Heights.  This land is of key strategic value, and possibly the most strategic point in the Middle East.  It also controls the water of most of Israel.  Syria is complaining that this land is rightfully theirs, and that they should have full control over the land.  What I am failing to understand is how this land is rightfully theirs.  They were the aggressors in the 6 day war.  When a nation wages war upon another, therer are certain risks that go with it.  Loosing land territory is certainly one of them.  Why should Israel give this land back to Syria, Israel's most vicious enemy?  In the past they used this land to harm Israel, to send government backed terrorists into Israel, and to constantly sheel Israel with artillary.  Considering that Israel has not once attacked Syria, I don't see how they NEED this land so badly.  How can Israel benefit?  Syria is now promising they wont attack Israel. In the past, Syria has lied consistantly, and having Syria say they won't show aggression towards Israel is like having the Pope say that he will convert to Islam.  They are claiming they need the land for the natural resources, not the strategic value. Right... 

Israel as we know it

Murder of children

Yasar Arafat and the P.L.O- Yasar Arafit winning the Nobel Peace prize?  That is just disgusting.  He and Rabin were co-awarded the Nobel Peace in 1995, for achieving peace in the Middle East.  What did Arafat do for this process?  He says he and the "Palestinians" have made great sacrafices towards peace.  And ya know what?  He's right.  He has made HUGE sacrifices towards peace, the lives of his people!!  He begs for money, but how does he apply this money?  He doesn't feed his people, he just lets them starve to death in the streets of their poverty stricken world. He doesn't pump it into the government, and he certainly isn't sharing any.  So what is he doing with this money?  Beefing up the military, of course!  He makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer. 

The murdering Nobel Peace Prize winner

Peace in General in the Middle East- Peace in the Middle East, or peace anywhere for that matter will never happen unless people compromise.  And people will never compromise unless they give something up.  Today, the Arabs say they are striving for peace in the Middle East.  But how?  They are reluctant to compromise.  They will give nothing, only take.  Israel is always the one giving land, money, water, and so on.  If the Arabs really want peace, then why can't they compromise?!?!  Sharing is not part of the Arab philosophy, all or nothing.  Israel is constantly giving to the Arabs, but it is a very rare thing when the Arabs are willing to give us anything.  It is clear that they don't want peace, and they definitly don't want to compromise.  They are just trying to manipulate Israel and the rest of the world: and take advantage.

The Israeli affairs webpage

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