Welcome! I have decided to make this site since it is much easier to provide my friends and acquintances with a URL address to this information, than sending it to them in an email. And also because this is something that cannot be published enough, especially since it is hardly published anywhere at all.

Anyone can see with their own eyes that the media and the Hollywood industry are biased, but it is not easy to find out why. The reason is that all of the nationwide US media, as well as all of the large Hollywood companies, have been taken over by Jews. This site is aimed at showing you how, and at showing you the consequences of this. It would be bad enough if our media were in the hands of any alien race with motivations different from ours; but that they are controlled by the Jews, who except for a few percent are heavily supremacist in their opinions and aims, is a lethal disaster. You will learn why from the information I provide here.

I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. William Pierce and his co-workers in the National Alliance, who have made it possible to provide a detailed overview of the situation our media and government are in today. By the use of their vast archives, as well as several other sources, I have attempted to write an introduction to this hidden problem, and a source of facts that can be especially useful when learning about the issues listed below (as well as quotes from Martin Luther, Winston Churchill, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman, and other politicians and authors of note - showing that while most of our people are kept unaware of the problem, the elites are fully aware of it).

Those are two of my reasons for making this site. The third reason is simple. I happen to be one of those unmodern individuals who believe that the truth should be clear and undistorted. To see that it is not, but instead routinely and callously manipulated, makes me very, very angry. So read this material, and draw your own conclusions.

The Jewish Domination of U.S. Media

Examples of News Blackouts

The Bolsheviks

Jewish Power in Washington

The Jewish Neocons and War in Iraq

Jewish Oligarchs and Organized Crime

The Jewish Domination of Communism

Jewish Slave Trade Through the Ages

The Jewish Religion

Understanding our Situation

Why Nationalism in All Camps is Good