Extra! Extra! Extra! Extra!

This just in....Ziggy is officially moving to Australia to be with his sweetie

Attention Australian Immigration...This man is NOT a crimminal...let him in!

September 6 2000

Ok...the passport has been gotten (see above)...and the rest of the ticket is all paid for!!!!
Can anyone loan me $$$ for a coffee now please?...lol
Stay tuned for pics of the ticket  as soon as i actually get it...should be this week
thats bout it for now...stay tuned for future developments

August 15 2000

Well...its done....The trip has been booked!...and im $500 poorer.lol
now can anyone lend me another $1460?...lol
anyways...the official date of departure is sept 28th at 220pm (plan yer party now)
and the arrival date...for all my aussie fans...is sept 30th (aus time) at 910 am
so dont expect any updates those days!...lol

August 13 2000

Yes folks its official...Ziggy is moving to aus...as of now the date of my departure from the great white north is looking pretty much like it will be the 28th of Sept 2000

the ticket hasnt actually been bought yet...but should be by monday afternoon
then its just a matter of packing up and stuff...and im outa here!.woohoo!
check back here often for future updates as they occur