These are various monologues, song lyrics, and essays.

Look for the . It means I WROTE IT!!!!!! :)

It's a song which I'll call "Zero" after the movie The Zero Effect. It's short, and I'm just warning you, there are vocals to this one. I do apologize for my irratating voice.

This is a song I wrote called "Forward." I wrote it after reading Pay It Foward.

This is a song I wrote called "Keyser." I wrote it after watching The Usual Suspects.

Why I Didn't Have Time To Write My One Man Show --My One Man Show

Two monologues from A Few Good Men

Lyrics to the song "Cheap Seats"

A Monologue from The American President

The Lyrics to the song "Ten Years in Mexico"

A monologue from The Day They Shot John Lennon

Lyrics to the song "One Week"

My Essay on How to Take Over the World

A One Act play called Tuna Flavored Pudding and a Gallon of Strawberry Quik

The theme song to The Downer Channel

Part of Paul McCartney's song "Heather"

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