Transcript from Satsang 3rd May 2002 in Singapore

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Thank you for coming. The eyes will still play tricks on me today but I will attempt to keep them open as much as I can. Today, is a beautiful day. Today we will talk of peace. Peace is a word that you hear often today, that you hear often these days. There is a reason for that. Inherent in the word peace is an energy, an energy that is tapping on your door. When you think of peace you generally think of something outside yourself. But peace comes from within. This planet is having a problem with peace. People think that there is no peace here because they look around themselves and they think they see violence. Violence is merely an illusion. When you think of violence you feel something. Think of violence for me, feel it. Feel the vibration. Now, think of peace. Feel the vibration.
Which one feels like home to you? 

On this planet, there will be many illusions of vibration. I am here to remind you that your home lies in peace. And perhaps to help teach you to remain in that energy. The most important thing to remember is that peace comes from within. Every time you look outside yourself and you think that your peace is being destroyed, it is an illusion. The only person destroying your peace, is you. So, use the word, if it helps you. In those times when you think you have lost your peace, breathe deeply and say the word peace. It will help to remind you to come home to the place where you belong. And you won't get wrapped up in the illusion. If you wish you may ask questions as we talk. Where I come from, is a place, that I can only call an energy system.

Today, we were working on a name but unfortunately, I cannot translate into words yet. Forgive me. Where I come from, we communicate by energy, so I have forgotten how to use words, but I think I am getting better.
In time I hope to teach people how to use energy instead of words. You do it now without realizing it. Sometimes you will say "I feel something" but you never heard the words. That is speaking with energy but it is like the illusion of violence, sometimes the way we communicate, the way you communicate, is within the illusion. And when this happens, there are many misunderstandings. I am hoping as time passes and you learn to use energy and shifts occur, you will be able to communicate with love. Because love is peace and peace brings love and I believe this is what your planet wants. So there are many beings coming to help you. I am merely one. Oh forgive me I never introduced myself, my name is Zhrnan.

Now, love. Also a word you hear often on your planet. The energy behind love is what is important. There are many different forms of love. And people often become disillusioned. It is a good example of the problem with words. But if you feel love and you send that feeling you know that you will never be misunderstood. So, when you send that feeling of love, you create a vibration. This vibration will spread, spread, Harjinder is that right word? Spread. Words!

Forgive me. So, what we want to create, what we want to create is a spreading of that vibration, love. How do you do that? Ah we know the answers. How do you do that? Simply, by loving. This sounds too simple. Its very hard I think, if you take into account the illusion. When you are at peace with yourself it is very easy to love. When you are involved in the illusion, you find it very difficult. So the answer is simple. Aim to be at peace and then you will always love. When you find that you are able to remain in that state. Then you will find the vibration of illusion will fall from you. I know many times, people read these words or hear these words and they say. Easy to say. So I say to you. Begin simply. Choose one person. Perhaps yourself. Try to stay in a state of peace and to love. You will find great changes will occur. Once you have learnt this then you can love others. I could talk more of this planet but then I would be entering the illusion, so let us stay simply simply with this message of peace. Perhaps it is too simple but it seems many people on this planet have not yet learnt how to do this. So you here today can begin and you can change your world.



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