Zhara's Little Corner
Welcome to the world of Zhara.

Another web  page full of someone's boring diatribe about how horrible life is treating them?  Not here.  Life is too good these days.

Instead, here's a collection of links that should give a hint as to what I'm up to, what entertains me, what influences me, who I know, and what I'm about.

have fun.  Questions?  e-mail me at the link below.  I always write back.

Cheers darlings,

The world is a horrible place, full of pain, cruelty,  and lonliness, so I'd better keep dancing.
Email: Zhara8@yahoo.com
Turn on your brain.
Noam Chomsky archive
Influences, Friends  & Co-conspirators.
Bucky Fuller
Romaine Brooks
Shadow Legion 
Everyone should have a family this cool.
Learn how to shake your groove thing.
Alone? in Pain? Can't stand the usual "cheer you up" drivel?
Read his stuff.  Just read it.
Spider Robinson
(for a cynical view from the Far East)
Friends with web pages
What's the first thing you should do every year?
Get yourself to ShadowCon
Semi-Sweet Vanilla
(or I just call her Julie)
Family Ties - My Brother's Website
Read it Again Books - Sue is a wonderful lady - shop at her store!
The only War that's tons of fun, brings people together, and no one get killed.  All wars should be like this.
Gulf Wars
Music Links:
Why am I so cool?  
Is it all those years I spent hanging out with gamer geeks?               I doubt it.

Is it my fascination with obscure government regulations?       Probably not.
It's got to be the music.   

From belly dance to etheral, here's a few links to get you started.
Click here for info on the smartest man I ever met.
(Did I mention that we're  getting married?)
Progressive Rock  Radio on the Web
WEVL - always something different, don't just tune in once
Voix des Bulgaries
Real World Records Peter Gabriel keeps busy
Hober - radio that is unvarnished
Sheila Chandra
Loreena McKinnet
Belly Dance Music from Wiggle.org
Ian and the boys
Rachid Taha - global. with a groove.
no more bad hair days!