. h o m e . m e . w a t c h e s . r e a d s . AnimeRecap .



. Super Dimension Fortress Macross

    also known as Robotech to some. this anime here is really old.... early 80s. what can I say.... this is truly my first anime. altho at that time I didn't know that it was an anime. I was still very much a kid when they showed this on TV, can't remember how old I was. maybe below ten. yupp!! around that age. I just watched it in the sense of only watching it. the show was in English, and I still didn't understand English at that time.
    but I still watched this... becos I had this huge crush on Ichijyo Hikaru(Rick Hunter). hahaha! I guess that this also means that he's my first anime crush. gosh I loved that unruly hair of his!! and I liked Misa Hayase. I remember eagerly hoping that Ichijyo would end up with her instead of Minmay. I don't hate Minmay, it's just that she's too girly. that's her main fault I guess.
    anyway... since I didn't really get what went on in the anime in those days... I rented them some time early this year. and wow!!! this is one hell of an anime. altho it has a Mecha theme in it(the Valkyries, and don't forget Macross itself.. the transforming ship), the main focus of the story is the characters... mostly Ichijyo, Hayase and Minmay. with a war against some gigantic alien race as the background... it shows us how the characters change and grow. Ichijyo changed the most I think.... from a simple minded, I-care-about-nothing-attitude brat with thick, unruly hair, to a thinking, kinda serious young man with leadership quality and thick, unruly hair. I guess there's not much he can do about the hair.
    altho it's an old anime, I still think the animation quality here is very high. I'd say that its quality was one of the best in those days. but the opening and ending theme... listening to them was kinda hard for the ears. it really sounded old. you know... songs that sings about the greatness of the series, like in this case... it sings about the greatness of Macross and its crew. really... animes nowadays don't do that anymore. so... the opening songs really made the anime feels old.
    but of course... it also has some idiotic ideas. the silliest one would be beating an entire fleet of huge gigantic aliens with ships n cannons n all sort of other destruction instruments, by singing a song. duhhh!!


