Z.A. Staff Application

Here is where you can apply to join our staff! If you meant to enter a non-staff character, please go to the regular applicaion, or click here.

Your character's full name ..................................

Your email address (must be valid) .....................

Any other character you play on Zero's Army ..........

Where you are interested in filling a position ..........

Got a second choice? ..........

Please finish this post as you would for your character; this is the most important part of the application process as it helps to see your writing style and get to know your character better. Make sure you have read the rules - we WILL be able to tell if you haven't. Please be sure to use correct grammar and structure in your post.

It was nighttime in Zero's Square . . .

Note: if you have a problem sending in the application, just email it to us directly at zeros_army@yahoo.com. We also recommend posting a note on the OOC board telling us you sent it in, because Geocities isn't always compliant with the whole "send it to our email address" idea. Thanks!