Matt's Moto Pages
The Travel Page! This is not even close to complete, but it highlights a few trips.

Thailand! This is in December 2002 when I was visiting my brother, Daniel, who lives in Bankok. This was a little day trip North to see some temples and goof around on bicycles.

December 2001

Inlay Lake, Myanmar: despite the pained look on my face, I had a wonderful time traveling around Burma/Myanmar with my brother Daniel. Inlay lake in the North country was a high point.

January 2002

I love this photo, as it gives the perspective of what it felt like- very small in a very large place. I often put the camera down somewhere for the self-timer shots. This is probably South Dakota.


Here I am somewhere in Montana or the Dakotas when I was traveling cross-country a few years back (seems like a lifetime ago now). I got VERY good at the self-portraits travelling alone. You can just see my CBR1000, and bags/tent/sleeping bag etc. I remember it being very hot, and when going East the sun was in my eyes in the morning, and going West the opposite.


Joshua Tree National Park: such a beautiful and extreme place. I was there last December for work, and had an afternoon to snap photos with my favorite $5. camera (Lubitel 6x6). I had been there before, but this time I really started to see the beauty of the place as I got to watch the desert change throughout the day and into the night.

December 2002

Pope Valley California: This hardly counts as "travel" as it is in the Bay Area, but this shot doesn't fit on the other pages. I took the Ducati for a day ride late last year, and brought a camera for fun. My Dad and I had done the same ride last summer, and I was due for another visit. California is home to some of the best roads and scenery in the world, and even after 8 years living here I'm still amazed at what I find.

October 2002
